October Numbers

October numbers:

Income (this period) from all AvMans
Subscriptions: $14,810
TB Sales: $22,719 (avg $23.18/purchase, $732.87/day)
Gross Income: $37,529

Submission Numbers as of November 1st:
total submitted: 1492
total reviews: 14,620
total approvals: 782
total rejections: 24 (includes 3 fully automatic rejections — the only ones so far)

Submission Numbers as of November 12th:
total submitted: 1841
total reviews: 18,309
total approvals: 991
total rejections: 28

(SamSyn says: Interesting how those ratios seem to be holding steady.. about 50% of all submissions are self-cancelled. And we get about 10 reviews per submission on average.)

Coming up: Posts on “How we’d like to compensate Developers for their work”, and “Free Trial Programs”.

Spoiler Alert: There will not be an announcement of a BuyBack!

  1. #1 by lee_adama on 2012.12.17 - 12:32 am

    ok i’m lost if these designs are being approved howcome i don’t see many new items in the auctions and the existing pool of previously listed dev items seems to be shrinking and not relisted? I’ve also heard of a few key devs leaving after ” texturgate”

  2. #2 by xXxLilAngelxXx on 2012.11.14 - 9:25 am

    Hi I have been wanting to start designing clothes and was reading the help documents in there and I am still confused if I need a program such as photoshop to design clothes or if I can just use microsoft paint with the templates? If I do need a different program does anyone know of any free ones? I tried to download the templates but I got an error… I take it as new designers have to wait a while longer? I appoligize if the questions been answered previously. If anyones willing to help me can you add/message me in There 🙂 Thanks xXxLilAngelxXx

  3. #3 by Linwood on 2012.11.14 - 2:11 am

    I believe you made a comment about this once before…. Is there still work being done or at least planned to give us an exporter for something other than gmax or 3ds max? Blender?

    3ds max is cost prohibitive and i’ve not found a way to legally get a prior version that will work with the current exporters. Even though it’s not top priority i’m sure, i’d still like to know.

  4. #4 by MattDillon2005 on 2012.11.14 - 1:14 am

    January thru march were always the heavy months for traffic,nicer to sit warm and cozy in front of computer to socialize than to stand in 3 feet of snow for the same reason.

  5. #5 by Carpenter on 2012.11.13 - 12:43 pm

    I don’t know if this has been asked here before, but it is possible to get a breakdown of how tbux are leaving the world? ie Rents, wholesale costs, shop purchases, etc?

  6. #6 by John Prestim on 2012.11.12 - 9:44 pm

    Hello , I would really like to get back into the game. Well I was banned for language before there.com closed when it was rated Pg-13 . Now I know it was against the rules at the time but by no means did I go around cursing people out just the occasional mix in with my talk. I believe someone had a problem with me and wanted me gone but either way , I understand the new rules. And i would really like to jump back into the new There.com. I wouldn’t mind paying the subscription fee at all. I would like to know if or when will there be reviews on ban repeals for accounts banned for such reasons like cursing, Please let me know thank you.

  7. #7 by samthere on 2012.11.12 - 8:27 pm

    cool happy for you you rock mw lol

  8. #8 by RRTT on 2012.11.12 - 7:05 pm

    Any comment on the recent revenue decreases? Revenue has decreased over $10k from some of There’s months over the summer. To me a $10,000 decrease in revenue would be incentive for the company to try to budget a few bucks a month into maintaining the community’s level of interest. Do you have any plans to correct this 20% decrease in revenue from the summer months?

    • #9 by Michael Wilson on 2012.11.12 - 7:38 pm

      I’m not sure where we’d “budget a few bucks” from? We don’t do any discretionary spending.

      In any case, seasonal fluctuations were normal for the Old There, and to be expected here, too. Remember, we’re still introducing (or re-introducing after re-writing) features from the old There. For example, we NEVER could have supported the current volume of submissions without hiring someone, so taking the time to build an automated review system allowed us to capture that revenue without hiring additional folks.

      We’ll be continuing to introduce new functionality, including some sort of Free Trial, and a way to compensate developers for their work.

      • #10 by MattDillon2005 on 2012.11.14 - 1:16 am

        love the new stuff,you rock Michael.

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