Updated Predictions

Ok folks, here’s where we are today.

First, the good news:

  • For the first time in history, There has no cage. All of There, from the “www” site, to the build machines, to the qa clusters, to the educational projects, are running “in the cloud”. This got finished this week, and it’s a big deal for us, both financially and technically. It’s also muscularly a big deal, since it’s one less check I have to sign each month).
  • SamSyn got Club “reservations” to work. This is not the cause of the delay in getting ThereIM up.
  • SamSyn also got “restore” your nametag color working, along with “change your nametag color” (which we will not be introducing at this time as a feature). This took longer than expected because, well, it was implemented in a strange way (there are a few things like that in There). And, no, if we ever did introduce “Change your Name Tag Color”, we would NOT be giving you a refund for your old team clothes since your had changed your color.
  • SamSyn’s polishing off “Restore your Look” to make sure you look just as you expected when you come back. I have to remember to remind him to make the code “fix” some of the poor Avatars who “somehow” ended up with horribly distorted looks.

Next week, now that we’re out of the cage (we needed to make sure we were out so we could avoid being charged for another month), we’ll build the production “cluster” (a tiny thing, in comparison to the past) in the cloud. IF everything goes well, towards the end of the week, or the week after we’ll be asking a small number of folks to come into ThereIM to test things out.

DO NOT INDUNATE THE BLOG WITH REQUESTS TO BE FIRST. Requests, hints, begging, or threats to “Be First” will be translated in my head to “Please make me last, in fact, let me in several months after you open”.

One more thing. Initially, at least, ThereIM will be Free. Do NOT assume it will always be Free. In fact, it will probably be $10/month, but we’ll forget to charge you, just so people can’t complain we “raised the price”, if we do later.

That’s the news for today. Sorry we’re late. Lots to do.

  1. #1 by Philip Thereian Key on 2011.08.20 - 9:35 pm

    New member supported help and support There group on Facebook. From the admins of The Thereian Community, ThereIM and Lost Avies


    A group JUST for help, support and updates.

  2. #2 by Barbara Ellison on 2011.08.14 - 6:11 pm

    OK I see..Member registrations by invitation only…(sigh)… and so I wait some more to see when I can get in.. 😦

  3. #3 by Barbara Ellison on 2011.08.14 - 6:00 pm

    So now I found my password, as well as the password for my 2nd avatar, and neither one is getting me in.. I had two avatars..Issubah and Tsimbo…. What am I doing wrong????

  4. #4 by Barbara Ellison on 2011.08.14 - 5:53 pm

    Ok so I see There is somewhat open? I don’t remember my password but I believe my email now is the same as it was before when I was in There… I have my avatar name… How can I get a new password? Can anyone help me out here?

  5. #5 by Barbara Ellison on 2011.08.14 - 5:39 pm

    Is THERE any news?

  6. #6 by Kyle Jason on 2011.07.20 - 12:02 pm

    there is so cool cant wait

  7. #7 by Sanorangrl on 2011.07.09 - 8:34 am

    I for one am feeling like a kid waiting to open my presents on my b-day. Its crazy but my whole family of 4 played There, we had fun and cant wait to have more fun. First on our agenda is Paint ball war LOL. Whats the first thing you all will do? So I guess everyone On your Marks……Get set……. and wait for the final GO. hope to see you all in game. ;P

    • #8 by Barbara Ellison on 2011.07.15 - 1:00 pm

      It’s a toss up between hover boarding and dune buggying for me..Hopefully there will be a good buggy bashing place again..Otherwise, just hitting the edge of the beachline with the buggy at top speed is a trip..LOL 🙂

  8. #9 by Innie on 2011.07.06 - 5:36 pm

    Any updates yet?

  9. #10 by maanzaki123 on 2011.07.06 - 4:56 pm

    It’s that feeling of Christmas, You’re waiting for Santa to arrive and leave that bike or toy you always wanted. For me, I’m just waiting for an update.

  10. #11 by Guest #2 on 2011.07.06 - 4:34 pm

    Bacon? Ice Cream? whats with all this talk of food – Read comments if you haven’t understood yet.
    Well since were on food Lets go There and get some popcorn, feed some to your dogs as well.

  11. #12 by Alease on 2011.07.06 - 3:08 pm

    O ^ O

  12. #13 by Lilia on 2011.07.06 - 12:53 pm

    Although i was kind of excited at first, these days without communications left me thinking, in a world that games and virtual worlds are moving toward free to play and transactions, how is there.com going to go over the fact it will be Extremely hard for them to capture any new member thanks to the sign up fee?
    I really hope for the best of there.com but it might have issues being viable under this model as it will need new members – and those future members will be discouraged from an upfront payment fee.

    • #14 by SaltySilver on 2011.07.06 - 3:26 pm

      I’m not quite sure about that. There are plenty of games out that you have to pay to play, such as Minecraft and others. I see no down side to Pay to play. Kind of like when you go to the Grocery store and you see a new kind of ice cream. There is no taste it before you buy. either you pass it up, of say, hey why not give it a try. Goes with everything in lfe.

      • #15 by Lilia on 2011.07.06 - 4:52 pm

        Minecraft is a single payment and a totally different genre, and you are able to try the Minecraft Classic for free.

      • #16 by SaltySilver on 2011.07.07 - 7:53 am

        well then, I stand corrected on the Mindcraft.

  13. #17 by H1r3dAssas1n on 2011.07.06 - 11:59 am

    Michael Wilson,

    How many people are being selected to test out ThereIM?

    Thanks for all the hard work you guys have been putting into this, you have no idea how much I respect you and everyone
    working on this project. I cannot explain how happy it makes me to finally return to There, and I can’t wait to see everyone again!
    One again, Thanks.

    Im So There!


  14. #18 by jonathan5k2006 on 2011.07.06 - 10:29 am

  15. #20 by David on 2011.07.06 - 10:02 am

    Still I wish we can change our avatar names. Please? Probably that’s the reason why I quit there a few months before it closed. But came back shortly before it closed.

    • #21 by jimony on 2011.07.06 - 1:11 pm

      Just create a new avatar and exchange all your items to it if it is that important that you have to whine about it for twenty posts.

  16. #22 by RRTT on 2011.07.06 - 7:56 am

    I’m feeling some sort of update coming on today, sir mike.

    • #23 by XNecroscopeX on 2011.07.06 - 11:24 am

      Agreed. 🙂

  17. #24 by Jordan on 2011.07.06 - 7:07 am

    Are we there yet? 😀
    It feels like that endless ride in the car when you were a kid. XD

    • #25 by erick758 on 2011.07.06 - 9:43 am


      • #26 by Jordan on 2011.07.06 - 11:58 am

        Sorry mate. JordanMS… Or I will be at least. :]

  18. #27 by jonathan5k2006 on 2011.07.06 - 6:04 am

  19. #28 by Geoffrey Chase on 2011.07.06 - 4:53 am

    Cool stuff, now I have a pic for my Avatar, and it is so cool that There is coming back.

  20. #29 by Rakja on 2011.07.06 - 4:33 am

    Are we There yet? =^.^=

  21. #30 by That Guy on 2011.07.06 - 3:57 am

    Michael, I’d just like to say… I love your responses. They make me laugh. I feel your frustration after reading some of these posts. Hahaha.

  22. #31 by Molly Simpson on 2011.07.05 - 10:22 am

    Michael: I was wondering, and it is not urgent– What if you were renting property in a ‘hood’ and the person who owned the hood doesn’t come back–what would you have to do? We have a house and all the fixings (too many to store). Thanks. I am so glad There is coming back (and kinda glad it will be for over 18).

    • #32 by jimony on 2011.07.05 - 1:12 pm

      It seems like a simple solution would be you would have to find a new hood to move to, but the question remains;
      Will former hoods return to previous owners? Will There subsidize hoods for returning tenants until an owner returns or they auction to new owners? Will all hoods start brand new?

      I think it was said that whether hoods can be returned to former owners hasn’t been tryed or determined yet, so I guess we will have to wait and see.

      • #33 by highflier on 2011.07.05 - 3:02 pm

        Has it been stated that hoods will even return to There? For some reason I had the impression they might not return at all due to cloud.

        “Q. What about my old Funzone? My old Lots?
        A. Chances are highest you’ll get your old Funzone. As for Lots, Hoods, and PAZs, we have to see if we can put them out again, since we’re going to be running the system “in the Cloud” and servers will only be allocated when they’re needed. For PAZs, this probably won’t make a difference, but for Lots and Hoods, we’re not sure yet.”

  23. #34 by Zandar on 2011.07.05 - 8:52 am

    I’ll do alot more exploring this time around….

  24. #35 by DodgeBoy101 on 2011.07.05 - 8:00 am

    Just waiting for an update….. 🙂

  25. #36 by highflier on 2011.07.05 - 6:28 am

    I was thinking about saying something to everyone yesterday but got sidetracked with all the barbecuing and sparkler lighting. Hint: flippycat has competition. Welcome bigbobbydog to the competition. heehee if your bored click below to cure some of it. I’m so into this I can’t stop watching. Not made my own yet but you’ll be the first to know if I ever get a round tuit.


    Better late than never. 8)

  26. #37 by JasonMK on 2011.07.05 - 4:20 am

    Here in the United States we celebrated the 4th of July yesterday, it’s nice to know that next July 4th I’ll be able to catch some fireworks in There…Thanks MW and team.

  27. #38 by Andrea Ku on 2011.07.05 - 2:47 am

    i am watching u guys … rofl

  28. #39 by Matthew Stuart on 2011.07.05 - 1:34 am


    You have mentioned in the past and in Q&A I think about a mac client for there. WIll this be available at the same point as the windows version?? Will there also be a mac client for thereIM?? Would hate to have to go out and but another PC just to get back into there. I know quite a few people who are interested in this question. Good Luck and hope all goes well with the relaunch of our true home.

    MAtt The Teuchter

    • #40 by XNecroscopeX on 2011.07.06 - 12:55 am

      Hey Matt. I had the same concern. MW said there will be a MAC client, but not right away.

    • #41 by StingrayJames on 2011.07.06 - 3:37 pm

      MAC you mean Ijunk or CrApple sorry just poking some fun I get bored

    • #42 by Beta2003 on 2011.07.08 - 1:19 pm

      Pros/Cons to using There in a virtual machine on OSX (as of March 2010, things could have changed).

      1 less computer to need
      Everything on one machine
      Running through bootcamp was the best “PC” experience I’ve ever had. period

      Video screens did not work
      If running in Unity mode (not booted to windows), forget paintball or buggy racing if you steer with your mouse.
      It seems like the USB update driver picks up too many signals, moving your mouse in action mode will feel like YOU are falling down Avie Sacrifices as everything whips by at an amazing speed.
      In action mode, it doesn’t always seem to notice you stopped moving your mouse.

      There will be a few of us trying to get an acceptable performance so we can just use one system. I’m lucky enough to still have a PC, but it’s not one I can carry and take with me (and I only used it for There and Uru)

      • #43 by Beta2003 on 2011.07.08 - 1:43 pm

        Er, I seemed to have lost the first line in the post (and probably have forgotten more pros and cons, those are just the ones off the top of my head).

        Hey Matt, you might want to hold off on buying a PC just to run There. If you want to get prepared, get VirtualBox (free) installed and a Windows Guest system installed (Note the known issues about needing to install the Guest Additions while in windows “Safe Mode”)

        I’ll be testing OSX.5 and OSX.6, Ubuntu 11.04 and probably Debian 8.04 using (as appropriate):
        VMWare (current and older versions)
        (whatever else I can get my hands on)

        I can’t find my original post about vm being broken on Linux VMWare to see if I actually noted ‘what’ was broken, just so you understand it was MOSTLY working.
        In Linux VMWare, no text chat (bubble or IM) and no avatars loaded. EVERYTHING ELSE worked. It might be funny to walk through fully populated areas to see props floating in mid air or to take pictures of the scenery devoid of avies, but it would get old pretty quickly.

        Even if it’s not a perfect experience, it would be nice to not have options to not exclude Linux users completely and OSX users having to wait for the native client. The more people we can get into world, the better it would be for all of us. And the earlier they are able to join, the more likely Makena will have options for revenue and sponsors. 🙂

        I wonder if we could figure out a way to make all those Linux/OSX users be Olives!!

  29. #44 by Maitane on 2011.07.05 - 12:44 am

    Are we There yet?

  30. #45 by martin71 on 2011.07.04 - 11:13 pm

    MW would be still able to liv in space like before ?


  31. #46 by WillIDream on 2011.07.04 - 10:39 pm

    Super congratulations to the whole team for closing down the cage!
    The future looks bright indeed. 🙂

  32. #47 by CpnBob on 2011.07.04 - 9:25 pm

    Hey, Y’all!
    We’re all ecstatic about There re-opening, BUT … right away, you’re asking for changes like name tag colors and space between islands, etc. please FORGET that stuff, lets just get things back to where they were in March 2010. Lets pick up exactly where we left off but as a paid site for 18+ members?
    If There is good enough, there will be sponsors who will be interested, as Coke and Cosmo were.
    Thank you MW for the opportunity to go back to my little Island hood with my friends and neighbors. I have missed the female avies running away, its SOOOO cute!

    • #48 by highflier on 2011.07.05 - 6:18 pm

      Decreased space between main islands (not the hood islands) – that’s for a very good reason because It would be important to know at first if they have to lay out the world again and members would enjoy exploring more much more. Concerning name tag colors it’s part of the original topic he posted and actually a very large announcement that I’m rather surprised people aren’t commenting about because It’s the most requested feature of members in the past that I can think of and all the sudden out of the blues it’s announced that this is now possible. People should be elated to read that info. Not sure why it’s kind of down played in his post…maybe he didn’t want to be begged to allow this right away. That was a huge announcement actually about the name tag colors. BIG..as it could change a lot of aspects of There if they decide to allow it.

    • #49 by Fallax on 2011.07.05 - 7:29 pm

      I’m with you CpnBob…just happy we are going to be back 🙂

    • #50 by Guernseyman on 2011.07.06 - 2:13 am

      Hi CpnBob,

      Bit surprised to see you on here?, thought you were on another place that is due to open shortly(no names of company or world name given). You do know that you will be expelled for posting on this forum dont you from that other company forum I was once involved with, I learnt the hard way even though I have not named that company or their new world name on here or any other forums any where else. I hope to see you on There.com when it re-opens CpnBob and hope to jump aboard your old sailing ship again at the Pirates Lagoon, at least I think thats where you had your sailing ship moored 🙂 .

      🙂 🙂 Guernseyman 🙂 🙂

      • #51 by highflier on 2011.07.06 - 9:46 am

        OK, let me get this right,
        So your afraid to mention yownow or vonira on your posts because they ban you from their forums or threatend too for posting here? That’s very sad they’re not even open yet and have to ban people already. Your saying he shouldn’t post here or they’ll ban him too?

        Are you sure they ban you over coming here and simply posting? or is it possible something you stated in their forums was against their G rating clearly mentioned on their site? Maybe they felt you weren’t able to conduct yourself properly in their G rated environment and decided to warn you. Why would they ban you simply for posting on another website that isn’t even affiliated? That would be pretty bad if they did and possibly even considered a very serious crime called Cyber Stalking.

        The terms are not published yet or the link is dead. So it’s hard to know what their terms say about posting on other websites.

      • #52 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.06 - 10:35 am

        Wait, so it’s NOT Ok to have a dead TOS Link?

        Shoot, I was going to save myself some work there.

      • #53 by Rakja on 2011.07.06 - 11:29 am

        What is a ‘TOS’? I think I saw that on an annoying pop up once…but I just clicked AGREE and it went away. =^.^=

      • #55 by Skyefire on 2011.07.06 - 12:14 pm

        Don’t do it! It’s a trap!

        Still trying to bleach that out of my brain o.0

      • #56 by highflier on 2011.07.06 - 6:01 pm

        instructions for repairing all dead linked TOS’s http://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ

        Note: Works for all virtual worlds open or closed.

      • #57 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.06 - 6:29 pm

        Note to self: Make room for another avatar in Carbonite Valley.

    • #58 by Cellophane Thereian on 2011.07.06 - 7:51 am

      🙂 Another Ditto!

  33. #59 by James White on 2011.07.04 - 7:33 pm

    Where’s There ?

  34. #60 by Puddlefish on 2011.07.04 - 6:13 pm

    I will go to maidenflight and walk around and just take it all in. Always was my favorite spot. 🙂

    • #61 by Cellophane Thereian on 2011.07.05 - 6:58 am

      And I will probably see you there… 🙂 I have thousands of photographs to replace for my website! 🙂 Until then, friend…

    • #62 by BABS on 2011.07.05 - 7:46 am

      🙂 one of my favorites too ‘tu

  35. #63 by mushh on 2011.07.04 - 6:06 pm

    M. W. Are you guys looking at using OnLive cloud technology, which would eliminate any large software downloads?
    (as demoed and explained by Steve Perlman, starting at about 27 minutes into http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QxrQnJCXKo )
    Just curious cause it would be nice to be able to play There.com on any device without downloads.

    What about Unity Browser game technology?
    some examples at http://www.friendshangout.com/games/index.php

    • #64 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.04 - 8:19 pm


    • #65 by xSnoopy on 2011.07.05 - 5:38 am

      I watched about 40 mins of Steve Perlmans demo of On Live.
      You guys have put an enormous amount of time into There2 and I/WE say THANK YOU!
      I am wondering about the differences between There2’s platform and On Live.
      My primary wonder is about latency. Unpredictability in lag made Paintball and other sports charming. I’m not sure if I would want it any other way even though it was frustrating at times.
      Could you comment on what you expect the differences will be between the two platforms?

      • #66 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.05 - 10:47 am

        Umm. No. I’m not sure that I have time right now to do an analysis of OnLive.

    • #67 by Beta2003 on 2011.07.05 - 8:06 pm

      Lets start with the fact that OnLive sends HD video and ‘recommends 3MB/s’ broadband although the video said they are working towards a smaller bitstream of 2MB/s.

      I can’t get that here on the hill very often (and I don’t want to just play after 2am).

      I’m not saying it wouldn’t work, and it might be something interesting to look at after we have a stable client/world running in the cloud. I’m very unclear about the costs to the developers (Makena in this case) to use the service.

      It appears to be more marketed as an alternative distribution channel where you get to ‘rent’ your games (at full retail price) for 3 years, as long as you keep your subscription up to date.

      I tried to test out the onlive service from my mac just now, however it appears you have to run the ‘app’ as root which I’m not willing to do.

      Regardless of anything else they do, SOMEONE would have to pay for the server time to run the client(s) and with the resources required for There, I can imagine they’d be on the expensive end (either to Makena or to the end user).

      In short, One way or another it will cost the end user MORE than it would cost us to give our money directly to Makena. Either we pay the OnLive service bill or Makena would have to, and then those costs would HAVE to get handed back down to us.

      • #68 by mushh on 2011.07.06 - 7:18 am

        Thanks very much for that analysis, Beta2003. It all makes a lot of sense. There has always worked amazingly well even on dial up, and when I measured my band width usage racing hoverboards it was around 18k bps. In other words, once loaded, a location takes up very little bandwidth. OnLive is new, so I just wanted to make sure someone at least knew about it. Thanks for your thoughtful reply. I agree with ya, clients on local PCs is best, even with some occasional lag snap back.

  36. #69 by deanna on 2011.07.04 - 5:00 pm

    when exactly do you think there.com will be open again ? lol

  37. #70 by Katelyn! on 2011.07.04 - 3:51 pm

    When r we going to get another update?

    • #71 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.04 - 8:18 pm

      HOT OFF THE PRESSES: You STILL have to be 18 or older to play. Even if you say you’re your Mom.

      • #72 by Katelyn! on 2011.07.05 - 8:55 am

        Ok fine, then , but my mom does actually want my account, and i wanna keep updated, and tell her, and also i just wanna knoow . Haha ^.^

      • #73 by Joey Dantonio on 2011.07.06 - 4:58 pm


  38. #74 by Karenga Anderson on 2011.07.04 - 2:51 pm

    I cant wait to see all the biased people again as well as the good common folk!

  39. #77 by Leilani Helepololei on 2011.07.04 - 12:44 pm

    Fried up some eggs now just awaiting the bacon…

  40. #79 by Eatings, Sputters, Pneumonia, ect. on 2011.07.04 - 10:17 am

    New update please? Thanks.

  41. #80 by AnOldDeveloper on 2011.07.04 - 8:00 am

    Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone has a fun day. 😀
    Next year we’ll celebrate the holiday in There! Woot!!!

  42. #81 by CpnBob on 2011.07.03 - 8:45 pm

    Best update I ever read. Please … keep ’em comin?
    Francis ~ Great Cartoon!

  43. #82 by HighFlier on 2011.07.03 - 6:39 pm

    interesting forum read – out spoken Therians in thread. Came as google alert for there.com.

    warning: maturity level of forum questionable

    • #83 by Tigera on 2011.07.04 - 7:42 pm

      I see what you mean about the maturity level being questionable. I hope those people DO stay in SL LoL…

    • #84 by Cellophane Thereian on 2011.07.05 - 6:49 am

      There is whimsical as opposed to ‘anything goes’.

      Those who love There are inclined towards the whimsical as opposed to the possibilities of virtual voyeurism (sexual, implied and encouraged) of certain other virtual worlds.

      Those who choose to reside in There are charmed by the ‘2-dimensional’ representation of self via their Avies because from what I’ve experienced- the superficial identities we create on the outside permit the essence of who we are as humans to flow more readily into ‘voice’ and such while inworld. Most Thereians are not trying to ‘be’ something they are not- they are simply enjoying the opportunity of creating there virtual visual identities. We do not want anything more than the demands of the cute and of being cute visually where are Avies are concerned. For many of us the overwhelming options of that other world- where our Avatars are concerned- is just so much more narcissism in excess. Looky here naysayers- if you can ‘dis our love of the ‘2-dimensional’ we can point out how the initial contact you have with your world is so superficial in your want to create the most fluid, sexpot image you can that everything that follows is just more hunting and gathering of creating an image and less of enjoying your existence in your world. !

      Those who choose to reside in There are in love with the movement we make and the options we have to move; hoverboards, buggies, bacios. Those who reside in There realize and comprehend that they are already steeped in visual fantasy when they sign in- flying is anti-climatic and redundant. We think ourselves a bit more intellectually down to earth knowing the special feel of planting our little Avie bottoms on such vehicles. We like the provincial lifestyles we project. We thank one of our Deities, The Big MW- for affording us the opportunity to know these things and carry them into our real life dreams.

      We Thereians are not inclined to expose our virtual genitals beyond a bit of cleavage or airbrushed man-chest in order to feel sexy. We do not have the desire to utilize an Avatar to push home to others our idea of sex appeal; we use our personalities attract or, if we choose- to repel others.

      We Thereians, when compelled to enter a dialogue concerning the lack of texture of our chosen world will tell you outright- what you consider ‘cartoonish’ we consider exhilarating, what you find flat and boring we find beautiful and comfortable, what you see as a poor man’s excuse for virtual existence we find crucial and necessary.

      And where you can point and giggle at our world where the ‘cartoonish’ is concerned, we can point silently to yours never speaking a word between ourselves yet understanding the question we would ask you as a population- if we thought you could answer:

      Where is the heart and soul in your world? Really, we’d like to hear the answer… Where is the heart and soul in your world…

      • #85 by Wendy Stoll (Wendy50s) on 2011.07.05 - 1:29 pm

        Beautifully thought and written, Cello!

      • #86 by iceange1 on 2011.07.05 - 5:19 pm

        That was Deep and straight truth. Wonderful. =]

  44. #87 by Bobby L. Smith on 2011.07.03 - 6:13 pm

    Happy July 4th…..If were There now we’d be shooting off fireworks…

  45. #88 by zandarkei on 2011.07.03 - 6:09 pm

    I am jonesin bad for my buggy, board, cards, quests and hosting events…….and I’ll live there in my mind untill it reopens in real….

  46. #89 by Cellophane Thereian on 2011.07.03 - 5:25 pm

    Freakin’ Smiley!

  47. #90 by Melody_Chase on 2011.07.03 - 3:49 pm

    I’m so excited that There is reopening. I became a Therian some 7-8 years ago after fleeing from The Sims Online due to the invasion of the teenagers…so I’m more than happy with the 18+ age group. Maybe it will also alleviate the stupid PAZes that were strune across the land blocking the nice views from some There-houses. Nevertheless, when There closed I was devastated. You will get no complaint from me for the $10 to enjoy this virtual world once again, which for a long time I felt was far superior than the rest. The detail and personality injected into this world produced a work of virtual art enjoyed by many. I might also mention….I miss my there-dogs. They are probably starving by now. : (

    The closure of There also got me thinking…..if it were to ever reopen, how to possibly generate more income from corporate sponsors through advertising and member benefits that make sense in the real/virtual world. Does anyone know what the relationship with There/Makena and Coca Cola was? We had the coke island, but what was it purpose? Did Thereian-members also benefit from this relationship – like “buybacks” for utilizing that product? MW…any comments here??

  48. #91 by StingrayJames on 2011.07.03 - 2:33 pm

    Was that a hoverboard i just heard? …. nahh .. must be my imagination…..

    • #92 by Fallax on 2011.07.03 - 4:19 pm

      Mmmmmmm…hoverboards 🙂

  49. #93 by daniel on 2011.07.03 - 12:21 pm

    i don’t know if anyone remembers how big the download of there was and how long it took if you have say a 400kb per second download speed. but if you could give me an estimation that would be grate

  50. #94 by John Kanu on 2011.07.03 - 10:39 am

    What is “the cage”?

    • #95 by Namron on 2011.07.04 - 9:35 am

      “The cage” refers to the physical servers that used to host There. As described in MW’s post, everything has now been moved to the cloud, making There cheaper to run.

      • #96 by HUGSaLOT on 2011.07.05 - 4:51 pm

        which is no different than it was running before. There’s still a set of “physical” computers running it.. it’s just somewhere else.

      • #97 by jimony on 2011.07.06 - 2:25 am

        But those physical computers are also being used by other companies, thereby sharing the cost so that Makena only has to pay for what it takes to run There rather than pay for the entire servers themselves. That makes it less expensive, especially since Makena also no longer needs to service those servers either. Theoretically, the cloud should have all the computational power “on demand” as it is required. This should give There more power at a lower cost. Probably will also negate the nightly “down” time There needed for service.

  51. #98 by MeAgain on 2011.07.03 - 6:11 am

    What about non-premium Avatars? Can they be used and converted to full membership in There2? Will they still have the same look and any items they got for free at the time?

  52. #99 by frankprss on 2011.07.03 - 5:16 am

    Will there be a Forgot password function on ThereIM? I know the email I used but I’m going to need to reset my password

  53. #100 by Matthew Carty on 2011.07.03 - 5:01 am

    I can’t wait for There to re-open. It has been a large part of my life….started playing 2003. Wow so long ago if I think about it.

    On a second note, I do have an actual question. The email that I used create my account I have deleted, and was wondering if there was any way to change my email prior to There opening, just so I don’t miss out on any new and glorious updates.

    if you find the time, please email me at mcarty1@student.framingham.edu with the answer.

    Thank you again for another opprotunity at exploring the wonderful world of There. Perhaps see those Tyr crystals once more.

  54. #101 by Aion on 2011.07.03 - 1:39 am

    Awesomeness !

  55. #102 by Percepti0n on 2011.07.02 - 10:40 pm

    Take your time! Its definitely a difficult task with a large scale project of There’s size and complexity. But I would like to designate every Saturday evening as a time where me and you go 1 vs 1 in a buggy race and I leave you in my dust. After the buggy duel, we shall head for the paintball shooting range and do a 1 vs 1 paintball match where I stomp you into the ground with my paintgun. After that I let you pick either hoverboard or hoverbike race (either choice I shall leave you in my dust once again) and then the remaining one will be last but then after it all I shall worship you and the ground you walk on for There.com’s existence which allows me to kick your butt in all of those sporting activities!! 😛

  56. #104 by Soledadnegativa on 2011.07.02 - 8:42 pm

    Where do we sign up and download the clients?

  57. #105 by Katelyn! on 2011.07.02 - 6:27 pm

    When will thereIM be able to open my mom keeps wondering too haha.

  58. #106 by Bobby L. Smith on 2011.07.02 - 1:18 pm

    I’m excited to get back th There…WOW is good..There is better!

  59. #107 by StingrayJames on 2011.07.02 - 1:12 pm

    Maybe its too early to say this or Maybe its been discussed already, but I think you should have a free limited trial, I just worry about actually getting new people in world . But I think it should be very limited ie you can only go into the. Welcoming areas and it should be one 1 week trial so the new users couldn’t affect the paid areas like they did in the past and so they would have to pay to use there.. lol I don’t wanna give them anything without them paying for it but on the same hand I want to see there grow and without least a very limited trial new people won’t join… sorry if you talked about this already.

    • #108 by Xait on 2011.07.03 - 7:11 am

      I doubt they’ve ruled anything out. But initially they’re opening it like this.

      I’m sure they’ll look at the figures & make any changes they feel are needed once things are up & running.

    • #109 by Amy on 2011.07.03 - 8:22 am

      haha James, scroll up a bit. I left a message saying almost the same thing as you. :p

    • #110 by daniel on 2011.07.03 - 12:16 pm

      yeah i said that. but i like your idea with the welcoming area only. good post

    • #111 by StingrayJames on 2011.07.03 - 2:26 pm

      ahh i see … lol sorry … i are good at read. lol

    • #112 by Tigera on 2011.07.04 - 7:36 pm

      Good suggestion 🙂

  60. #113 by VVVVVV on 2011.07.02 - 11:09 am

    Just offering some of you who might be complaining about paying the $$ to play the best virtual game on the net alittle help. Open up an Ebay account,go to a few tag sales or your local thrift store,purchase things for $5 bucks and sell them on Ebay for $20. Depends on if you do alittle research on products,this way Every month There will be free for you,unless of course your too lazy to do alittle work to make $$$..I have bought countless items at tag sales for $5 and made $50 or more..So you see i feel that There will still be free for me regardless..Please let us use Paypal as a pay option..

  61. #114 by bigworldofgames on 2011.07.02 - 10:34 am

    Hello Mr. MW will there be any changes to the graphics and animations in the game like if I hit someone with paintballs they will still be able to fall down and slide across the world >:D

  62. #115 by Sabrina Renfro on 2011.07.02 - 10:23 am

    Thanks so much Michael Wilson for bringning there back to share with us

  63. #116 by Susie Redlin aka Jane Austen on 2011.07.02 - 9:32 am

    Hi, haven’t seen this posted anywhere … will the new There work with google Chrome browser?

  64. #118 by JonmiChel on 2011.07.02 - 9:05 am

    Can’t wait for another update lmao.

    if this website would enter into a contest of which website has more visitors I think, this would win it for sure lmao. I keep checking it every 2 hours or so for new updates!

    can’t wait to see my old buddy in There again!

    Hope to see all people who’s commenting in here everyday, inside the world.


  65. #119 by Taelos Katran on 2011.07.02 - 9:00 am

    Mr. Wilson,

    Will ThereIM make me young and beautiful again?

    • #120 by jimony on 2011.07.02 - 1:21 pm

      Were you before?

      • #121 by jimony on 2011.07.02 - 3:30 pm

        I was just kidding, I am sure you’ve always been beautiful, no matter what age.
        The ThereIM avatar will be the same as the There avatar. Can’t wait to see mine again.

  66. #122 by WavGirl on 2011.07.02 - 6:21 am

    Thanks for the update. You guys have made a lot of progress!

  67. #123 by Winged on 2011.07.02 - 4:54 am

    A technical question, will there be the daily Maintenance like in the old THERE.com?
    or your planning on a different perspective on the techincal level?

    • #124 by Namron on 2011.07.02 - 2:12 pm

      I was wondering that too. Would the fact that There is now in the cloud allow you to bring up additional virtual servers to bridge the gap while you’re maintaining the main ones? I realize that the maintenance time isn’t as big a deal to those in N/S America, but it would open up that time to members elsewhere.

  68. #125 by XNecroscopeX on 2011.07.02 - 3:18 am

    Mr. MW!

    Just wanted to say, “Hi!”

    P.S. Thanks for the updates.

  69. #126 by _xvanquished on 2011.07.01 - 11:29 pm

    I lik my blue nametag and that sounds good bout picking ppl to test it

  70. #127 by Black_mamba_619 on 2011.07.01 - 10:18 pm

    Mr Wilson,

    I saw on another post that consumers will not be able to clain thier old avatars for another six months? So playing in the actual there.com will not be an actual ability for a long time correct? just wanted to check because that way i don’t check in everyday lol. Thank you for your response, excited you have given us a great treat to make this work.

    • #128 by Namron on 2011.07.02 - 1:58 pm


      I’m not certain that you’re correct about that (Could you provide a link to the post?). My understanding is that we will be able to claim and use our existing avatars on There IM, which will be open much sooner than the full There application.

    • #129 by HighFlier on 2011.07.03 - 10:18 am

      u did think to read other peeples posts? other posts made below the main topics.u r aware of these?

      “great treat” is for 18+ just in case u forgo age limitations r ignoring them

      reply written @ V.I.P posting in ut2 language for insta approval.see post #225 for previous example of V.I.P. posting

  71. #130 by Black_mamba_619 on 2011.07.01 - 10:14 pm

    Mr Wilson,

    I don’t know if anyone has asked this question, but what does thre Im consist of, is it just another type of forum, chat room, or can we see our avatars at this time? I don’t care to be first for there.com, however, how can we be considered to do a trial? I have never done one and always wanted to be apart of one. Thank you for your tme and your response.

    P.S. If anyone else reads this and can give me the answer, you have my thanks! 🙂

    • #131 by IceAnge1 on 2011.07.02 - 11:06 am

      ThereIM is like a chat room, similar to MSN but you can see your avatar and change. You just cant use voice or walk around i believe

    • #132 by Guest #2 on 2011.07.02 - 12:46 pm

      If I remember right in there IM you see your character and chat with others having ur character in the background, and you can change the outfits through IM.

    • #133 by Namron on 2011.07.02 - 1:50 pm

      Black Mamba,

      In short, There IM is an application similar to Yahoo IM. It allows you to chat with other members of There. In addition to chat, it allows you to see both your avatar and the avatar(s) you’re chatting with. It allows you to see both your clothing and the clothing of those you’re chatting with. According to MW elsewhere, it does not provide voice chat.

      Thumdar has provided a screen shot of the application at his website. http://www.thumdar.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=483&Itemid=143

    • #134 by HUGSaLOT on 2011.07.05 - 4:47 pm

      it’s more than just text IMs. When you start a conversation with a friend you and your avatar appears in a familiar chat group with chat bubbles, ’emotes and you can also change your clothes. You can invite up to 7 avatars that form s a semi-circle grouping just like in world. Or you start new chat windows with different people (like being many different chat groups at once)

      It looks just like regular there.com but there is no environment and you won’t see other avatars walking around in the background. There is no exploring, vehicles, nor zones. It’s just your avatar, your friends avatar(s) and a white background. Though i think there were plans to add in a static background images. probably easy to hack that in.

    • #135 by HUGSaLOT on 2011.07.05 - 4:52 pm

      it’s more than just text IMs. When you start a conversation with a friend you and your friend’s avatars appears in a familiar chat group with chat bubbles, ’emotes and you can also change your clothes. You can invite up to 7 avatars that form s a semi-circle grouping just like in world. Or you start new chat windows with different people (like being many different chat groups at once)

      It looks just like regular there.com but there is no environment and you won’t see other avatars walking around in the background. There is no exploring, vehicles, nor zones. It’s just your avatar, your friends avatar(s) and a white background. Though i think there were plans to add in a static background images. probably easy to hack that in.

      • #136 by HUGSaLOT on 2011.07.05 - 4:54 pm

        oops delete that dupe Michael! sorry and this post too!

  72. #137 by Francis_7 on 2011.07.01 - 9:36 pm

    • #138 by Okalnix on 2011.07.02 - 9:14 am

      funny video thx Francis you stil have it.
      make a story line of it ,so we can still have fun on the wachting to go to there.
      How to make a quest on the island,sharck atack,how to dive a buggy and more.
      Go for it,its funny.

    • #139 by Fallax on 2011.07.04 - 12:11 am

      ROFLMAO…love it

    • #140 by Tigera on 2011.07.04 - 7:34 pm

      LoL…that was great Francis. I’m so glad to see you and many other great Therians will be returning to There. You do need to get off that island after all! Can’t wait to see you There 😉

    • #141 by Alexander Scheffer on 2011.07.05 - 6:41 am

      (DanceTweety) Nice cartoon.

    • #142 by HUGSaLOT on 2011.07.05 - 4:40 pm

      lol i just saw this pop up on my youtube feed the other day since i subscribe to you,

  73. #143 by Stephii on 2011.07.01 - 7:48 pm

    Super excited for this. :]
    It’s been such a long time!

  74. #144 by Mrs_edmonkey on 2011.07.01 - 7:33 pm


    Sorry to bug you but I saw “those that payed for June…..” can we sighn up now? But I also saw free at first then $10.00 a month. I don’t care one way or the other I just want to sighn up as soon as I can. If I could already where do I do that? I would even pay for the year so you have the money up front to help get going. Please let me know and happy 4th!
    Grateful for you and staff,
    Victoria (Mrs_edmonkey)

    • #145 by HighFlier on 2011.07.02 - 7:14 am

      plzz OH no not another confused one again plzz…Ok here we go againnnn plzz, u just read woman read! All u answers are right here on this blug, but to help u out a little I guess I could be the cool nice guy in the bunch and tell u to go to u 7/11 and buy 2 big gulps, Don’t go to 7/11 with blue hair though because ^^^ they might try to steal u big gulps coming out the door and they’re always watching from above. One for u and one u hold back for avatar washing. Apparently for u avatar to be all shiny and new u need it to clean off all the junk from the past year which is caked up on u. Mostly dried paintball pellets from someone with a green name tag. Yours u can sit back in u easy chair and gulp on it all u want even chew the ice if u prefer or spit the ice at others through the straw which is what I like to do to practice my aim. The other u need to put in u fridge to keep the ice from melting. Wait for further instructions to appear on this blug which could happen at any time. Watch blug close O very very close for u name tag color or u name to be called into a mini beta phase of TIM of the T2 project. TIM is the messenger aspect of the T2 project. I hope this helps u AND we see u in T2.

      PS. others will try to tell u it’s all a big fat joke but don’t believe them. They are just trying to slow u down so they can beat u into TIM ahead of you. They might come and try to rescue u as a pack of wolves. Don’t trust a thing they tell u plzz.

      • #146 by Mrs_edmonkey on 2011.07.02 - 6:39 pm

        Well, You are not helpful at all. I did read after the post about that it has to be monthly, but I don’t understand why some have already signed up and I believe they might like some financial help. So I was just trying to help. Unlike you. But in any case have a nice 4th.

      • #147 by Mrs_edmonkey on 2011.07.02 - 6:53 pm

        I did however appreciate the end of your paragraph, that was helpful. Plus, the reason I was confused is I read other posts. Again have a nice 4th and I will not post again because I thing it probably is slowing the process down. I just want to be there .

        Good Luck Staff!

    • #148 by jimony on 2011.07.03 - 1:04 pm

      Mrs_edmonkey (Is there a Mr_edmonkey); nobody has registered or paid anything yet. Michael Wilson has an unusual sense of humour. Since nothing has been paid, everyone has received a refund of nothing.

      I don’t believe Michael needs donations because they already have the financial backing they need to restart. They want to know that the world can support itself from the paid subscriptions per month. Donations would skew the results as they can’t count on donations to support There every month.

      Long term subscriptions would not help because it is still just the numbers per month they are looking at. Long term subscriptions would just make more work if they can’t stay open and would have to refund those.

      • #149 by Mrs_edmonkey on 2011.07.04 - 7:41 am

        Thank you

  75. #150 by Drakez on 2011.07.01 - 6:56 pm

    Mr. Wilson,
    Will there be a point in the future when old avatars will not be re-calimable?

    • #151 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.01 - 7:31 pm

      Yes, but we don’t know when. But it will be at least 6 months. Except for those who truthfully claimed to be under 18 when they registered. They’ll stay at least till they are 18, and then some.

  76. #152 by LuckyMikey on 2011.07.01 - 5:28 pm

    I see some familiar faces, it’ll be fun to reaquaint.

  77. #153 by Paris Hill on 2011.07.01 - 5:26 pm

    Will we still be able to use the ultimate game card?
    -aprilxbaby- OLIVE 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!

  78. #154 by Ned_1 on 2011.07.01 - 4:51 pm


  79. #155 by I m not sure on 2011.07.01 - 4:50 pm

    can I be first to try out the ThereIM, I haven’t Had bacon in awhile and would like to try some. I am willing to provide the pig.

    • #156 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.01 - 6:46 pm

      Zzzzzt! Didn’t you read the post?

      • #157 by Its less blurry. on 2011.07.02 - 8:12 am

        But I am willing to provide the pig. If that is not a great deal I don’t know what is.

    • #158 by ForTehLulz. on 2011.07.02 - 1:02 am

      Michael is a vegetarian.

      • #159 by and i lost it again. on 2011.07.03 - 8:37 am

        The lack of ability you have for realizing someone is BSing worries me.

  80. #160 by Karmapup on 2011.07.01 - 3:45 pm

    Fantastic! 😉

  81. #161 by Sugar White on 2011.07.01 - 3:10 pm

    This will strike some as silly, but as my other net addiction, SWG, prepares to shutter its virtual windows, I kept thinking of There. While I could, in theory, still play SWG on the EMU servers, I could never ride my hoverboard in There again. Deep sadness. Or so I thought. And, as I have been doing every so many months, I came to check things out. Much happiness! Thank you for not giving up, for trying to get There back into our world.

  82. #162 by Mickey Hawk on 2011.07.01 - 10:37 am

    Glad to see you all again !

    • #163 by Sabrina Renfro on 2011.07.01 - 3:29 pm

      it is nice to see every one again. I look foward to seeing every one in there 🙂 🙂

  83. #164 by Winged on 2011.07.01 - 10:34 am

    If i am under the age of 18, and i want my Name and Acount from the old THERE to be saved untill i can come back will it be saved?

    • #165 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.01 - 10:39 am

      Yes, we will find a way to do that.

    • #166 by Jonathan on 2011.07.01 - 11:27 am

      Poor Winged!

      You are here, and here, and here, You are Here!

      You’re 18 soon though aren’t you?

      • #167 by Winged on 2011.07.02 - 1:47 am

        October, but the currency would be so big that i would atleast be able to pay every 2, 3 mounth on an alternitive paying card of VISA.
        -sigh- currency -sigh-

  84. #168 by Mademoiselle Fifi on 2011.07.01 - 10:21 am

    hahaha….virtualvikki…very funny video….Francis will be home again and so will Yozh…wonderful video Yozh. There is such a wonderful place where creative people can just
    enjoy themselves. Glad to have the chance to get back to it. Thank you.

  85. #169 by martin71 on 2011.07.01 - 9:59 am

    MW could we have the files so we can start designing again if pos ..

    thank you


  86. #170 by Rhonda Ebert on 2011.07.01 - 9:18 am

    sounds exciting! and interesting 😮

    • #171 by blue on 2011.07.01 - 7:47 pm

      I feel the same way Nate. It will be beyond words to be There again.

  87. #172 by NateTheStar on 2011.07.01 - 9:02 am

    I just can’t wait to go home. You don’t know how much this means to me to be coming back.

  88. #173 by majandithere on 2011.07.01 - 9:00 am

    Popular stuff is going “+”.


    quite similar to all kinds of “i” stuff sailing on the apple wind.

    So simply There2?

    I was thinking:

    What about implying a bit more progress and just this bit “more” to expect, by naming it “There+” / “TherePlus”?

    Just an idea….

    • #174 by HoverboatPilot on 2011.07.01 - 7:46 pm

      Unfortunately Majandi, there’s another virtual world with a “+” already in development.. http://www.realifeplus.com/ Good idea though!

    • #175 by jimony on 2011.07.02 - 1:10 pm

      As Hoverboat said, TherePlus would sound like stealing from RealLifePlus.
      There2 is not going to be renamed, it will still just be There.com.
      The 2, for now, is just to clarify that There will be rebooted.

      • #176 by Innie on 2011.07.03 - 6:08 pm

        Majandi….I really like There+ !!

  89. #177 by Zandarkei on 2011.07.01 - 8:44 am

    I would like to be able to own both a nieghborhood and an apartment in there. …The nieghbor hood on like kansas..or one of the orgininal Islands…and an apartment in the Coke city (wish it was Pepsi instead, but I have a good bit of coke stuff…is that coming back or gone because they don’t sponcer now?) . Anywho I love the nieghborhoods but I feel there were anexcessive amounts of like pier houses, and they blocked the veiw from our beach house on motu motu. maybe you could have less pier houses and add the saja homes that were coming soon…just asking..I would also like to suggest a charge for name tag color change, (i’d like to be on my wife’s team and I’d pay $10 to go from gray to her color) why not other games charge you to switch servers, change names ..even gender. Pb refills should cost money..as should drink refills…funzones..I’d love a place that would make special trophy’s you could buy and give as prizes for paid events. It would be great if you could sell tickets to exclusive events, and have “by invatation only” events with the red ropes and stuff 🙂 with some of the money going to There or a charity…like Therians to fight Breast Cancer or something.Anywho can’t wait for There I am WOW ed out…

    • #178 by HighFlier on 2011.07.01 - 3:17 pm

      I always wanted a condo or cool apartment on CC Metro the City too. I thought it would be so cool. But something was never just right there and I still can’t place my finger on it. I think it was a feeling of way to many rules and restrictions that bugged me or at least it felt that way to me. Someone did not want people to have to much fun there it seemed. I also think possibly the budget was all blown on the build which is why most of the island was just nothing I guess? I don’t know what they wanted us to think of it. I was always very perplexed about it. It was empty a lot because people felt uncomfortable there. The paz area was nice but never really caught on. Maybe having the board zone in the middle of town was a mistake and what caused so many restrictions to the area with people grieving one another so bad to the point they had to restrict everything and went overboard.

      Originally I thought wow this is going to be such a major hangout until I discovered all the restrictions and i was like wow what a major bummer. Basically it was a fantasy land all locked up. I think the original plans were good but to many hands got on that apple pie someplace and money got tight then went the dang budget out the window. To many ideas and to little budget is what it smells of. The island was so cool but i could not figure out why the project was so enormous. Also it seemed like someone was always trying to change it or test it. It went though many changes that were less than wonderful to be honest. Maybe the person in charge of that project was not right person for the project sorry to say.

      For a project like that you need a very open fun minded person who is always a happy bubbly personality and wants others to be around them non stop action type of person and wants it to be fun for others. Also the Coke Store – I’m totally lost on that one too. I do think it was the coke folks who controlled it and possibly that was the wrong way to go.Something didn’t go right with that whole project in my opinion. But, Hey! What do I know! nothinnn at all.

      As far as I know we were always able to have charge for and invitation only events in any zone. You could easily get red rope V.I.P. looking events in There if you knew how to build with the objects. I liked the pier houses and I don’t think there were to many of them but I do think they charged way to much to rent them until the very end. That’s a whole another subject I better not get into. Wow you had a lot of comments in that one post. Might try to break your main ideas down into different posts in future. But you brought good things to the table to discuss man.

      • #179 by NathanAvis on 2011.07.02 - 3:29 am

        I was hoping for all the small islands around CC Metro and PoP to be open to building. It turned out they weren’t through regular means and that was a darn shame. Remove the Coke Island if you have to, but please bring those little islands back and allow us to build on them 🙂

    • #180 by Bobby L. Smith on 2011.07.02 - 1:21 pm

      OOPs what a dummy she is on the gray team too..so I won’t be changing…lol

  90. #181 by Amy on 2011.07.01 - 8:41 am

    This has most likely been asked at some point and I just have not seen it..
    I was wondering if there MIGHT eventually be a possibility that paying members could get so many buddy passes when we sign up, for a trial type thing. Kind of like World of Warcraft and a lot of the MMORPG’s do. Where we give you their email and you send them a code where they get 10 days free trial. While I know this might open a door for greifers, I think it would be a great idea marketing wise. That way if There decided to put commercials on TV to advertise, people would be able to get a trial for 10 days. Or at least a discount for the 10 days.. or have them purchase a card with a scratch off code that gives them 10 days for $10.00. I think you would attract a lot more people that way. I think with the right advertisement and something worked out for a trial period There.com would be just fine. It is an amazing social experience + all of the cool things you get to do while being social. People pay monthly fee’s for MMORPG’s all the time, the big problem is advertisement. World of Warcraft is doing so well because they are advertised well. I had so much more fun on There.com than I have ever had on an MMORPG, hands down. I know there are other “gamers” out there like me, problem is, they have never heard of There.com. Word of mouth only goes so far, and Dr.Phil only reaches so many people. I am in no means a business major or anything and I will be the first to tell you that I have no idea how to run a company or even a website. I am just a consumer, and I am going off of what I have seen. I found There.com by fluke. I was looking for CokeStudios and since you guys were partnered with Coke, Coke studios was not around anymore and it lead me to CC Metro. If I had heard about There.com before then, I would have been on and spending money a lot sooner. I am not trying to tell you how to run your company, I am just putting my some what ignorant two cents in. I want to see There.com be successful just as much as the next person is all. Hope I have not offended you. I for one want to thank you for taking a risk and going out on a limb trying to bring back what is so precious to so many people. I do not mean to offend or to imply that you are not thinking of everything you can to make this work. You of all people I am sure want this to work and are trying very hard to make it work. I just know some times you can get so wrapped up in the middle of something you need someone on the other side to help you through. So I thought I would share what I was thinking.

  91. #182 by HUGSaLOT on 2011.07.01 - 8:38 am

    So Micheal, I’m a little confused as to the difference between “the cloud” and a co-location to house the servers. Isn’t that basically the same thing? I assumed for years that the physical location of the there.com servers were never housed at the offices of Makena/There inc. but at a co-location somewhere in northern California. So what’s different with this so-called “Cloud” than with a typical co-location service provider?

    • #183 by Zandarkei on 2011.07.01 - 12:13 pm

      Cloud computing refers to the use and access of multiple server-based computational resources via a digital network (WAN, Internet connection using the World Wide Web, etc.). Cloud users may access the server resources using a computer, netbook, pad computer, smart phone, or other device. In cloud computing, applications are provided and managed by the cloud server and data is also stored remotely in the cloud configuration. Users do not download and install applications on their own device or computer; all processing and storage is maintained by the cloud server. The on-line services may be offered from a cloud provider or by a private organization…..wiki

      • #184 by HUGSaLOT on 2011.07.05 - 4:37 pm

        That sounds exactly like typical client/server that we have had for the past half-century. That explanation was so vague it could describe almost anything. Sounds like what a politician or a lawyer would write. Lots of words that amount to meaninglessness. Honestly.. WHAT is the difference between classic “client/server” vs this “cloud server” stuff that apparently the new there.com is going to be running on?

        Also you said “Users do not download and install applications on their own device or computer;” this is completely false. You might want to read what you copy and paste from wikipedia before you post it. There’s always “an app” you have to get in order to use it, even if it’s just a web browser it’s still software you have to run locally. We aren’t using text dumb terminals and none of what you said applies to what There.com is doing to bring it back online (vs. what it used to run on)

  92. #185 by Katelyn! on 2011.07.01 - 8:08 am

    The good news just keeps coming ! Well thankyou so much, but i didnt quite get the parrt about the name tags. And testing? I dont really care what happens to my nametag as long as im on there aha, but the testing part. Your going to let soome people in and just see how it goes im guessing?

  93. #186 by reba on 2011.07.01 - 8:05 am

    I have a question…..Will There and IM still work on dial up service ? Cable is not avalible where I live and I dont have extra cash for dish service. Thanks……..

    • #187 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.01 - 8:22 am

      Yes, it will work over dial-up.

      • #188 by acemastter on 2011.07.02 - 3:00 am

        wow did not that internet co soled dial-up didnt that go out with the same time Floppy Disk died lol learn some thing new avery day

        ps im not being a smart but i rely did not know lol

      • #189 by Barbara Ellison on 2011.07.03 - 6:22 pm

        I really hope so..Thought I was going to get satellite JUST so I could get into There again..At last minute before installing it..I got them to admit it would be very difficult to use a virtual world because of “bandwidth limitations”. So still stuck on dial-up..and reeeeeeelly hoping I will actually get in..I can even be happy with a lot of lag as long as I can get in and have it work at least least some of the time…

      • #190 by dave008 on 2011.07.04 - 9:33 pm

        I know someone (sassydancer) who used There over dialup for many years – I wil not say without a problem since she had many problems – but she managed to maintain a complex set of pazzes and expressed her great creativity but it was extremely frustrating at times.

      • #191 by Barbara Ellison on 2011.07.07 - 12:29 pm

        Probly depends on whether one has decent dial-up or old rotten falling apart lines and junctions dial-up.. 😦

  94. #192 by MoondustMadness on 2011.07.01 - 7:29 am

    I only log onto my laptop to check the There updates. I cannot wait for the world to finally open so that I can put my laptop to some good use. I am so excited that it feels like I am waiting for Christmas morning to arrive. :0)

  95. #193 by Mr_Perry on 2011.07.01 - 7:27 am

    Dear Mr. Wilson and talented staff.

    I just want to express my deep, abiding and boundless gratitude for
    all you have done
    all you are doing
    and all you will be doing.
    I mean this deeply, and sincerely,
    It can not be said enough.
    I pray that God blesses each of you mightily.

  96. #194 by S_S_B_P_D on 2011.07.01 - 7:26 am


    Also, will the world be more slower like laggy or stuff like that? graphics a bit different?

  97. #195 by Justen on 2011.07.01 - 7:24 am

    Hi Mike,

    Great job to you and your crew. I hope you have a great holiday weekend.


  98. #196 by S_S_B_P_D on 2011.07.01 - 7:16 am


    If I chose not to play the IM, then do i still have to pay until world opens?

    • #197 by IceAnge1 on 2011.07.01 - 11:31 am

      You pay the day you decide to go into the world when it opens. For now, like MW said, They are going to “forget to charge us” till further notice for ThereIM but we will still have to pay for the world when it opens if you want to enter it.

  99. #198 by xxlouloubellxx on 2011.07.01 - 7:14 am

    Hi everyone does anyone know if we could trade in im i cant remember been so long lol

  100. #199 by HighFlier on 2011.07.01 - 7:04 am

    So like I’m cruising tons of ThereTubes late last night and you gota check out this amazing flight WOW! What a cool flight crew too. One of my top pics so far maybe the top ThereTubevid choice. Get ready to fly because this is the long journey you all keep dreaming about. O you gota watch this one full screen folks. Enjoy the ride.

    I kept trying to click the communicator lol. Poor fella only had 3 tbucks to travel on. ‘tu Kangaroo and you have an amazing pilot there. That was fun man.


    ➡ By Therians for Therians check out * Tiguidoo Radio * On Air Here ➡ > http://www.tiguidooradio.caster.fm/ Steaming 24/7 with a French Twist. 💡

    Check out live :mrgreen: *dj’s – 24hr chat/picshare/webcam room available here ➡ > http://montchat-webcam.net/tchat63/ <best time eastern / late night. 😮

    • #200 by Malingo on 2011.07.01 - 8:25 am

      Thanks 🙂
      That’s one of my favorite videos I shot in There too I think. The music fit nicely to the videoclips (but I got the idea for the song, from another There-video that I saw a long time ago. They used the music while flying in a 1st-person-view over the Therian archipelago I think)

      Looking forward to the Reopening
      /Malingo aka Kangaroo 🙂

  101. #201 by JRz on 2011.07.01 - 7:02 am

    Let them (M.W. and staff) do what they need to do instead of having them look through numerous amounts of comments (nothing wrong) but then having to answer questions (delaying) about when the program will be released. As a few people have mentioned before me, We have waited over a year and a bit more time wont kill us. Patience. I’ll make sure to run you over in game with my buggy for slowing up the process of opening game. Thanks P.S. MW keep on working! 😀

  102. #203 by Dean Caballero ( Bumpin42 ) on 2011.07.01 - 6:45 am

    Mw if we have more then one computer can we login our other/Alt avi`s to get our things off them and put them on our main accounts? I think this would be a great chance for people to get there accounts in order Before we log into world and have to start paying, Would`nt this take care of one problem?

  103. #204 by DodgeBoy101 on 2011.07.01 - 6:22 am

    This is good news to hear, cant wait for another update! 🙂 Maybe There will open up just in time for me to have fun after my surgery.

  104. #205 by Striker194 on 2011.07.01 - 6:04 am

    Well we’ve waited over a year so I think a bit more time won’t kill us 😉 we’re all just extremely excited that we will be able to be “There” again.. I can’t wait to fly my hoverboat around the seamless world!!! I will make a few round trips

  105. #206 by Elizabeth(Shendra_24) on 2011.07.01 - 5:57 am

    Thanks for keeping us up on all the hard work you have been doing to make things great for us!

  106. #207 by JosephPaul on 2011.07.01 - 5:51 am

    That is wonderful news indeed. Thank you for your hard work, now go take a well deserved July 4th holiday to rest and recuperate! Change name tag color? But I love my manly pink name tag!



  107. #208 by jakejackson on 2011.07.01 - 4:28 am

    This is great news! Can’t wait to fly the open skies again…

  108. #209 by Cerenela on 2011.07.01 - 3:27 am

    Awesome news! Thanks:)

  109. #210 by Latha on 2011.07.01 - 1:58 am

    I can’t wait either ,fellow Therians ,I’Ve got butterflys in my tummy!Great job indeed Micheal Wilson and SamSyn,just can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait yippy yippy yippy!Makes yah fell like a little kid. See ya’ll all soon!Latha

  110. #211 by Ken on 2011.07.01 - 1:32 am

    Can’t wait to see my old There friends!!

  111. #212 by buddyfromthere on 2011.07.01 - 12:27 am

    YES!!!!!!! This is AWESOME! Can’t wait to return home! XOXO to all

  112. #213 by Dolphin on 2011.06.30 - 11:38 pm

    Thanks for the update MW 😀

  113. #214 by satarell on 2011.06.30 - 11:30 pm

    Ya! Getting all excited now can feel that there coming back is getting close 😀

  114. #215 by dakotaman on 2011.06.30 - 11:05 pm

    Thanks for the update and all your team’s hard work, MW!! Give everyone a pat on the back and hope the roll-out keeps going smoothly!


  115. #216 by JonmiChel on 2011.06.30 - 10:37 pm

    AWESOME NEWS. Its worth the wait ^^

    Keep rocking like thaaat ❤

    ThereIM is heeeeereeeeeeee !!!

  116. #217 by Mrs_edmonkey on 2011.06.30 - 9:54 pm

    Michael Thanks for the updates. I think all these people that give you a hard time on the prizing needs to realize how much work is going into this and the reason we do not have there was the finance situation. I also am worried if you do not charge at first you might have more people complain when you do. Maybe you need to start out with the month of July free but august 10 bucks.

    I think everyone needs to be grateful they are opening and stop complaining so much. 10 dollars is a lot a month but two playstation games would pay for the year. I get more entertainment out of there then a ps game.

    Please, keep us informed Micheal. I cant wait to play Spades with Petal, Guiness, Papa, June and so many more. Please get those spade tables up:)

    Micheal I think Papa, Guiness, and Petal would be great people to start with. Good Luck and send dates out as soon as you think you know.

    Happy 4th to all Americans and have a great July to all in other countries. ( I miss you all and can’t wait to see you all at the card tables!)


  117. #218 by Robin Costello Brunner on 2011.06.30 - 9:29 pm

    The Happy Dance and lots of Kiss. Thank You

  118. #219 by Kayleigh Lace on 2011.06.30 - 8:37 pm

    I think it’s a shame that you have to tell folks that they can’t get refunds for clothes purchased based on team colors if one day we are ever able to change teams. And I mean that they would actually think they could get a refund for that… Seems like that would have been a no-brainer. lol

    Go Peach! 😉

  119. #220 by Lindsay on 2011.06.30 - 8:02 pm

    Sooo about those avatars that need to be “fixed”…lol. Will our amazing patchwork (hence the word “patch”) be ruined when it comes to restoring our avatar’s physical appearance? (:

  120. #221 by 2_fast_for_u on 2011.06.30 - 7:59 pm

    sweet sounds freaking awesome i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! woot woot

  121. #222 by Innie on 2011.06.30 - 7:46 pm

    Thank you so much, MW (and SamSyn!). I can NOT wait to be home. Its been way too long.

  122. #223 by Chingo on 2011.06.30 - 7:37 pm

    ITS JULY!!!!

    • #224 by martin71 on 2011.07.01 - 1:43 am

      soon be christmas too rofl 🙂

  123. #225 by HighFlier on 2011.06.30 - 7:31 pm

    Possible to someday change name tag colors ey! O’boy, I bet some would pay a nice healthy fee to change their name tag color. You should chalk that up to extra operating income potential. I wonder what someone would pay to have their name tag color changed or changeable to any color at anytime? What about rainbow colored tags would they be possible someday? Also some might like white or black name tags. Dark Purple or Navy Blue. Maybe we can just pick any color on the scale that we like? 😯

    But i love my blue and I’m keeping it. Go Blues!

    • #226 by Chingo on 2011.06.30 - 9:22 pm

      Lt Blue 🙂 the best

    • #227 by JasonMK on 2011.07.01 - 5:56 am

      Once blue, always blue. Go team blue!

  124. #228 by Keiki Hula Stacy Weigle on 2011.06.30 - 7:20 pm


  125. #229 by Keiki Stacy Weigle AKA Hula on 2011.06.30 - 7:18 pm

    YOU ROCK, Mike!

  126. #230 by Puddlefish on 2011.06.30 - 6:41 pm

    Heh… to this day I still have ThereIM, JinXplorer and Log in to There on my desktop…. delete them???? but… but… but

    • #231 by Orielle Thereian on 2011.07.01 - 3:59 pm

      He said we could uninstall ThereIM and There since those have been updated and we would need new version to log in. Didn’t see him mention JinXplorer, though I could have overlooked it. I’d keep JinXplorer installed in case it still works and in case there isn’t a replacement.

      • #232 by TherePercy on 2011.07.02 - 4:49 am

        JinXplorer was not created or supported by Makena/There, so they won’t be supplying a new version, is my guess.

      • #233 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.02 - 12:27 pm

        JinXplorer I’m sure was created by either Jinx-TV or Jinxed Karma judging by the name. I see Tablatronix here, he made some great addons for the game too! ‘wave
        My favorite being the Quick Bar!

      • #234 by vmcl1998 on 2011.07.03 - 10:18 am

        I thought SunBlock created Jinx Explorer?

      • #235 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.03 - 9:17 pm

        @vmcl1998 It was just a guess from the provided name of the app, you probally know better than me 🙂

      • #236 by Orielle Thereian on 2011.07.05 - 2:36 pm

        Yeah, JinXplorer was made by SonBlock. I think he came up with the name JinXplorer by combining the words Jing and explorer, it had nothing to do with Jinx_TV or Jinxed Karma.

  127. #237 by kk on 2011.06.30 - 6:22 pm

    so excited there2 will be up and running soon very good news u better not work on July 4 yall need the break

  128. #238 by XNecroscopeX on 2011.06.30 - 5:48 pm

    Oh man!!!!!!!!!! I am super excited. I cannot wait. I swear to Bob, I am having withdrawals. Great job and I look forward to chatting with all of you in game!

  129. #239 by Drew on 2011.06.30 - 5:40 pm

    Great news! Thank you for the update, can’t wait to register.

  130. #240 by Therian Fan on 2011.06.30 - 5:29 pm

    Thank you for the update.

  131. #241 by Wendy Stoll (Wendy50s) on 2011.06.30 - 5:20 pm

    Thanks for the updates! It is really very kind of you. We appreciate all the hard work you and SamSyn and the team are putting in 🙂

  132. #242 by Veritasincognito on 2011.06.30 - 5:19 pm

    Good news !

  133. #243 by jacob (yoyojake) on 2011.06.30 - 5:04 pm

    Will there be a Mac There client? if so i might even leave WoW for There 😀

    • #244 by TherePercy on 2011.07.01 - 8:30 am

      As far as I understand it, the answer to that is….. *drumroll* …yes 🙂

  134. #245 by BABS on 2011.06.30 - 4:51 pm

    ”’yay! ty!!

  135. #246 by Diego on 2011.06.30 - 4:50 pm

    Thanks for the effort……..very much appreciated!!

  136. #247 by MikeCesar on 2011.06.30 - 4:47 pm

    Thanks for the news!

  137. #248 by Raymond Scheffer on 2011.06.30 - 4:43 pm

    Dear Michael, will you have advanced gpu acceleration and/or multiple core support? Also, will there be a Mac version and a x64 version,

    Greetings from holland, ray aka Nitroray.

    • #249 by TherePercy on 2011.07.01 - 8:29 am

      To the MAC version: yeppers! That was mentioned a few times already. (I think MW has a MAC himself :P)

  138. #250 by Eatings, Sputters, Pneumonia, ect. on 2011.06.30 - 4:40 pm

    Hello to the overwhelming excitement I am experiencing.(:

  139. #251 by MikeCesar on 2011.06.30 - 4:38 pm

    Thanks for the update!

  140. #252 by virtualvikki on 2011.06.30 - 4:31 pm

    I am not sure if this post will work or not. I started making this video the other day and thought I would sahre it here. If this comes out as a bunch of HTML giberish.. I guess I will have to ask Salty how it works : )

    Just in case that is a mess here is a more normal URL thingie:

    • #253 by bronnieb59 on 2011.07.01 - 3:45 am

      It worked perfectly and as usual was totally worth watching….. thanks for the giggle 🙂

    • #254 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.01 - 3:26 pm

      To make it (youtube player) work here you need to use the code with the
      Hope that helps.
      The links are just as easy to click though. 🙂

      • #255 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.01 - 3:28 pm

        Hmmm… my example got edited out lol, sorry.

    • #256 by ant1977 on 2011.07.01 - 7:05 pm

      Nice job Francis_7, Thanks for the laugh!

  141. #257 by chaotico on 2011.06.30 - 3:58 pm


    don’t resurrect all the islands of There. kalifornia or aurora or whatever it was called. and that coke island too. they were too big and too desolate. i didn’t frequent them because when i did, they were eerily quiet and lonely. no history or culture there like the original islands. and more importantly, they were WAY too big to feel cozy. their physical land area was blatantly out of proportion to the other islands. if i want to feel agoraphobic and lost in a world that’s too big, i would just leave my computer and go outside; i don’t need that in my virtual reality too. :]

    the original islands were best. plus comet and kansas, i suppose. those were good too.

    less islands = higher population density. makes the place seem busier and less lonely.

    • #258 by mmeodiles on 2011.06.30 - 8:22 pm

      Aurora was one of the most beautiful large islands around..You had ‘that’ huge highway running straight through.. parts of aurora was covered in snow, and very mountainous …wonderful canons…Aurora had many hoods and islands around…Many times, people that were in THERE would fly their planes or other vehicles all over…from island to island, place to place using a GPS, without transporting…For those people, including myself, it a wonderful venture to travel all over THERE…I never felt alone or or had feelings that the areas were too eerily quiet..Au contraire …. what a magnificent place THERE was, with ALL it’s land masses…..

      • #259 by Yozh SunFlowers on 2011.07.01 - 12:53 am

        My idea, Odile!
        And it belongs exactly amongst the unique features of the virtual community There!

        Cheerio, have a wonderful day!


      • #260 by HighFlier on 2011.07.01 - 12:53 am

        What Odiles says, Aurora was one cool island. I might say I feel the islands were spread way to far apart. Like it was hard to drive to Aurora. To me people would enjoy the world so much more if you left one island by transport and soon could see the next one in the distance. The islands like this I visited most often in transports. I remember countless friends on trips saying they wish they were closer together. This was the most common complaint concerning topography of land. On the other hand I’m pretty sure there were reasons why some islands were placed further away from the others. If they were closer it would change things so much and make exploring so much more enjoyable.

        I think most members would agree here. You might have a few out there who liked flying for 10 hours to get to the next island but not I. Also I don’t think they need to keep all islands up 365 days. Some could be seasonal islands. I posted on this somewhere else. This would help cut down the lonely feeling I think your trying to describe where some islands felt uninhabited.

      • #261 by Innie on 2011.07.01 - 6:24 am

        I actually agree with mmeodiles. It was much easier to find people way back in the day. When we only had the original islands, no hoods, etc. We rented There houses, the world was clean and lag free. We could find each other easily…..

        Eh, Im just sentimental for the old days. LOL

      • #262 by mmeodiles on 2011.07.01 - 6:37 am

        Hey there both of ya’s LOL…
        Yes, I can see where maybe the waters could shrink a bit…I do agree with that…MW, if you read this…can the waters not be shrunk a bit ??? heheheheh
        See you two in THERE….

      • #263 by Wendy Stoll (Wendy50s) on 2011.07.01 - 6:55 am

        My favorite thing about Aurora was how we all tried like crazy to get to it before it was open!

      • #264 by TherePercy on 2011.07.01 - 8:25 am

        My guess is that Coke Island will not be resurrected, since it was part of a contract. Aurora, however, was very nice and I have seen some stunning NH’s pop up there.

        And guess what? Nobody will force you to go to Aurora 🙂

    • #265 by bronnieb59 on 2011.07.01 - 3:40 am

      Oh my isn’t it funny how all of us are so alike and so different (kind of like real life )…I for one loved the big open spaces for exploring. I never tired of jumping in my buggy and taking off across Aurora etc. but at the same time adored my neighbourhood cos there was always something happening. I am just jumping out of my skin here looking forward to it re-opening as I am sure everyone is….”Happy Days are here again”! :))

    • #266 by JasonMK on 2011.07.01 - 5:55 am

      Some of us like some peace and quiet from time to time. The hot spots on the map were great for finding people, but I too enjoyed spedning hours exploring alone or with a small group of friends. And now, they all have history. How many islands can be said to have come back from extinction?

    • #267 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.01 - 3:24 pm

      @Wendy Stoll (Wendy50s)

      Some tried….Some succeeded (Cough) 😛

  142. #268 by MrScrooge on 2011.06.30 - 3:53 pm

    Exciting news! Thanks for the update as always.

  143. #269 by xSnoopy on 2011.06.30 - 3:45 pm

    Please remove my previous post.
    The name on it is Kent Fladder
    Posted at 20110.06.30 – 3:36PM

  144. #270 by Madame Clairvoya on 2011.06.30 - 3:37 pm

    thanks for the update…

  145. #271 by yozhsunflowers on 2011.06.30 - 3:36 pm

    Dear Mister Wilson,

    I want to thank you again for the great There relaunch activities so far! ‘tu ‘bow
    As honor to the wonderful virtual community There, to celebrate the re-opening and as fine pleasurable anticipation I love to give you the facebook link to my newest PhotoMovie “Yozh’s Tribute To There!”.
    As reallife visual craftsman (independent photography) it was my favorite challenge to express my There feelings in a fine fusion between my own There pictures
    and pieces of my favorite music with the right words and passion in it. I hope you will like the way I have worked that out.

    Enjoy my PhotoMovie, I wish you a Colorful Day! ‘sunflowerbow

    ~ Promoter of Colorful Joy and Positive Energy
    ~ Your Eye on Unlimited Delight


    Click this link for a great view with HQ and the FullScreen button (the rectangle) at the right in the video toolbar:


    • #272 by beethros on 2011.07.03 - 5:02 am

      You bring joy to ppls souls and smiles to their faces!!!!

      Wish The Sun always bright in your face my dear Friend.. you make my eyes with moisture and my cheeks with red colour 🙂
      Im Glad i was in There and im more Glad i had the chance to meet you!

      • #273 by Yozh SunFlowers on 2011.07.04 - 2:26 am

        Heya Beeth!

        Thank you so much for your great compliments here in your reaction! ‘tu ‘sunflowerbow!
        And I hope you have enjoyed my There PhotoMovie “Tribute To There!”
        If you like to enjoy my reallife pictures, just click my name here above for my facebook account, or click the link under my name here in my reply to you.

        Cheerio Beeth, and I do hope the economic issues in Greece will be solved in the best way, Happiness and Colorful Days are yours!

        Amsterdam, Holland
        ~ Promoter of Colorful Joy and Positive Energy

  146. #274 by Kent Fladder on 2011.06.30 - 3:36 pm

    Hey all you paintballers, how do you like this TOTALLY COOL icon??

    • #275 by frankprss on 2011.07.01 - 8:05 am


  147. #276 by darkrounge on 2011.06.30 - 3:28 pm

    Haha, that’s great news on the update.
    And a change of nametag colors is also neat.

    Keep up the work mate!

  148. #277 by Seg_Vio on 2011.06.30 - 3:17 pm

    “•SamSyn’s polishing off “Restore your Look” to make sure you look just as you expected when you come back. I have to remember to remind him to make the code “fix” some of the poor Avatars who “somehow” ended up with horribly distorted looks.”

    If my avatar comes back with a huge butt, I will blame you for peer pressuring him with all the big gulps!

    • #278 by Buddy Schreiber on 2011.07.01 - 12:30 am

      That is funny!

    • #279 by Yozh SunFlowers on 2011.07.01 - 12:45 am

      Hi Seg!

      It’s me, Yozh! ‘tu
      Please no worries about any avatar’s image issue! 🙂
      But if you think you still have that huge, wonderful “Frosty” tree in your inventory I really like to buy it from you!

      Cheerio Seg, I wish you a wonderful day!

      ~ Promoter of Colorful Joy and Positive Energy

      • #280 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.01 - 3:13 pm

        Heya Yozh!!!

        Good to see you here! I’ll have to check when I can access my inventory.’tu
        If it is there, I’ll be sure I sell it to you. Is the tree that your talking about the huge beanstalk I had on frosty island?

      • #281 by Yozh SunFlowers on 2011.07.04 - 2:17 am

        Heya Seg!

        Thank you very much for your reaction! ‘tu
        Yes, that’s the right tree, the wonderful beanstalk you had on Frosty island. When I was a Fresh Funlover in There (about 5 years ago) I was a great fan of your tree, and I
        was sitting there just to relax my growing Thereian genes, hahaa!
        By the way, you can find me on Facebook, just click my name here above, then you can enjoy my current reallife photographic skills (or click the link here under my name). ‘sunflowerbow

        Cheerio Seg!

        Amsterdam, Holland
        ~ Promoter of Positive Energy

  149. #282 by Kevman95 on 2011.06.30 - 3:07 pm

    Cant wait to see the world open!

    Take your time, i dont want a rushed product out!

  150. #283 by Sam There on 2011.06.30 - 2:56 pm

    when I come back on There, do I need to have a There IM?

    • #284 by TherePercy on 2011.07.01 - 8:22 am

      Nope. ThereIM was created as a ..’Yahoo’ type of program, to stay in touch with friends, while not actually in-world. It is optional. The only diffrence between ThereIM and, let’s say, Yahoo, is that ThereIM *only* connects to There and that you can see your own avatar and the one(s) you are chatting with. You can also change your outfit in the IM and when you log back into There, you will be wearing the outfit you changed in to. Once you launch the There client, the ThereIM will typically switch off and unload.

  151. #285 by Yozh SunFlowers on 2011.06.30 - 2:54 pm

    Dear Mister Wilson,

    I want to thank you again for all the great There relaunch activities so far! ‘tu ‘bow
    As honor to the wonderful virtual community There, to celebrate the re-opening and as fine pleasurable anticipation I love to give you the facebook link to my newest PhotoMovie “Yozh’s Tribute To There!”.
    As reallife visual craftsman (independent photography) it was my favorite challenge to express my There feelings in a fine fusion between my own There pictures
    and pieces of my favorite music with the right words and passion in it. See also my info text under the PhotoMovie.
    I hope you will like the way I have worked it out.

    Enjoy my PhotoMovie, I wish you a Colorful Day! ‘sunflowerbow

    ~ Promoter of Colorful Joy and Positive Energy
    ~ Your Eye on Unlimited There Delight


    Click this link for a great view with HQ and the FullScreen button (the rectangle) at the right in the video toolbar:


  152. #286 by Amxscott on 2011.06.30 - 2:52 pm

    Thank You MW and There Staff !!!!!!!!
    Sounds like we will be enjoying our There world again before too long. 🙂

  153. #287 by WikkedBliss on 2011.06.30 - 2:44 pm

    Dang another week or so outside at the beach, in the sun, having fun… *sigh*.. I think I can wait *grinz* TY for the update~ And yeah for the one day in the future nametag change.. I have been brown since 2004.. Ewww

  154. #288 by Yozh SunFlowers on 2011.06.30 - 2:40 pm

    Dear Mister Wilson,

    I want to thank you again for all your great There relaunch activities so far! ‘tu ‘bow
    As honor to the wonderful virtual community There, to celebrate the re-opening and as fine pleasurable anticipation I love to give you the facebook link to my newest PhotoMovie “Tribute To There!”.
    As reallife visual craftsman (independent photography) it was my favorite challenge to express my There feelings in a fine fusion between my own There pictures and pieces of my favorite music with the right words and passion in it. See also my info-text under the PhotoMovie.
    I hope you will like the way I have worked that out!

    Enjoy my PhotoMovie, I wish you a Colorful Day!

    ~ Promoter of Colorful Joy and Positive Energy
    ~ Your Eye on Unlimited There Delight

    Click this link for a great view with HQ and the FullScreen button (the rectangle) at the right in the video toolbar:


  155. #289 by xSnoopy on 2011.06.30 - 2:31 pm

    Great job Michael and the crew!!
    Please tell me if I understand what you said correctly:

    “One more thing. Initially, at least, ThereIM will be Free”

    Will this policy allow us to move our There items to one or more avies we wish to use as the “main” and/or “mule(s)” ?

    Perhaps I misunderstood a previous post of yours.
    Please advise.

  156. #290 by JasonMK on 2011.06.30 - 2:26 pm

    Very exciting news, so by the sound of it the ThereIM and 3D world installers we downloaded last year can be deleted from our back up drives, right? ThereIM(2) and There2 will require the latest build.

    • #291 by Michael Wilson on 2011.06.30 - 3:53 pm

      Yes you can delete them.

      • #292 by JasonMK on 2011.06.30 - 6:59 pm

        Thanks (yeah, my 1st MW response!), but I think I might hold on to some for sentimental reasons.

      • #293 by TherePercy on 2011.07.01 - 8:17 am

        What about Stylemaker and Previewer? Will the versions we had work, or will there be updates versions of those too? (This is assuming submissions will be active fairly soon after opening the World, of course)

      • #294 by Pilot_51 on 2011.07.01 - 10:39 pm

        I think I’ll keep the installers sort of as a reminder of where we’ve been. Unfortunately the main installer got away from me somehow, but It looks like I have every other installer and the dev kit resources. That’s nothing though, I 7-Zipped the whole 5.6GB program directory down to 1.1GB and I’m keeping that too.

      • #295 by Mimi There on 2011.07.02 - 3:06 am

        yikes.. hate to do that..rofl.. so afraid I’ll loose my way back to it.. Thanks for all the updates, sure glad it’s a busy weekend.. keeps the mind off refreshing this page. Have a safe holiday 🙂

      • #296 by Eatings, Sputters, Pneumonia, ect. on 2011.07.02 - 9:19 am

        Pilot, would you mind uploading the Style Maker somewhere so I can download it. Mine’s gone all buggy.

    • #297 by Eatings, Sputters, Pneumonia, ect. on 2011.06.30 - 4:39 pm

      Thank you for asking this question, I was about to do so myself.

  157. #298 by Taelos Katran on 2011.06.30 - 2:25 pm

    Awesome progress…. Congratulations…. It’s better in the cloud! You won’t regret it.

  158. #299 by Taelos Katran on 2011.06.30 - 2:24 pm

    Awesome progress! Congratulations!

  159. #300 by mmeodiles on 2011.06.30 - 2:19 pm

    Wonderful update MW ”’wow 😉

  160. #301 by martin71 on 2011.06.30 - 1:54 pm

    awsome MW and team you going to use the green bug for the testers lol one step closer to home 🙂

  161. #302 by thunderstoorm on 2011.06.30 - 1:53 pm

    Thanks MW, I am a firm believer in “you are only as good as the people who work for you” and you seem to have a great team!

  162. #303 by SaltySilver on 2011.06.30 - 1:52 pm

    Hip hip hooray for SamSyn! 😀

    • #304 by Jonathan on 2011.07.01 - 1:52 am

      Please could you kindly explain who SamSyn is? To this day, i’ve still not quite fathomed it out.

  163. #307 by jerseySteve87 on 2011.06.30 - 1:47 pm

    Sounds great Michael. That’s great you’ve been able to get everything running in the cloud. Best of luck as you continue to move ahead. Have a good holiday weekend as well!

  164. #308 by SnyperFla on 2011.06.30 - 1:46 pm

    MW.. Will a Linux client be available eventually?

    • #309 by Jonathan on 2011.07.01 - 1:51 am

      Doubt it. As much as i’d love this too, the user-base just isn’t there. May work with Wine?

      • #310 by SnyperFla on 2011.07.01 - 10:07 am

        Definitley will try.

    • #311 by Puddlefish on 2011.07.01 - 8:42 am

      I had it running via Wine for quite a while, but a change was made to browser requirements that killed that around the time they brought the video in world (not saying it was related, as it was just browser login, but around that time). http://www.flickr.com/photos/puddlefish/1236480533/lightbox/ (from about 4 years ago) It was nice while it lasted 🙂

      • #312 by Guest #2 on 2011.07.02 - 7:05 pm

        hahaha, shrek the third pirated?

      • #313 by Beta2003 on 2011.07.04 - 9:51 pm

        I don’t know about wine, but There had been working with VMware on mac and linux, but right about the same time There introduced video, the vm tools got a big video upgrade to offer better 3d support. Didn’t work for me after that (but the old version still worked on mac up until There closed.), I stopped trying to move to my desktop to Linux when that failed so I never tried virtualBox for Linux. I did repeatedly file the linux/osx bug before I learned that virtualbox worked, I just never got around to setting up VB.

        I’ll definitely be trying to get something to work on osx and linux so that I don’t need three systems/multiboot, but I wouldn’t expect any dedicated support for that method when the real osx client is in the pipeline.

  165. #314 by Jordan on 2011.06.30 - 1:43 pm

    Thanks for the update 😀
    But, I don’t have an avatar so I guess I can’t test. 😦

    • #315 by Namron on 2011.06.30 - 7:15 pm

      From your post you sound like someone new to There. If so, welcome!
      As for testing, only MW can say for certain. I would think that testing the creation of a new avatar is as important as reclaming an old one.

      Again, welcome,


      • #316 by Jordan on 2011.07.01 - 4:00 pm

        Aww. Thanks Namrom. 🙂
        I am new.
        I did however find There 5 years ago. The computers I had at the time couldn’t play There so I missed out. 😦

  166. #317 by Rick Reynolds on 2011.06.30 - 1:42 pm

    Make Francis first!!!!

  167. #318 by Jonathan on 2011.06.30 - 1:33 pm

    Great news!

    I’m totally in awe with the fact that this is all running ‘in the cloud’ now, crazy stuff!

  168. #319 by toufovou on 2011.06.30 - 1:33 pm

    Thanks gor the update MW. Things will work out in the end. Delays are normal so there is no need for anybody here to be getting restless. Patience everyone!

  169. #320 by Duzer on 2011.06.30 - 1:31 pm


  170. #321 by Dusky Rose on 2011.06.30 - 1:28 pm

    Stomp, stomp, little mad fists. I dohwanna have a brown nametag. Nobody wants to be BROWN. Please Michael, make me a pink. I love pink ~~~~~~~~~~~~pretty please~~~~~~. I’m going to be knocking my shiny red shoes together waiting for the Wizard of Oz (MW of course) to send me back to Kansas (there.com of course).

    • #322 by Innie on 2011.07.01 - 6:20 am

      I always said I didnt want to be teal, because I have ever only known 2 other teals. It is the least used color.

      However, there is something cool about it, too. If you see teal, its probably me! 🙂

    • #323 by SaltySilver on 2011.07.01 - 1:16 pm

      I like my brown tag…. 😀

    • #324 by Orielle Thereian on 2011.07.01 - 3:46 pm

      Awww Dusky, you don’t want a pink name tag. If you had a pink name tag then you’d have this as your team mascot.

      I actually once tried to convince a new member with an olive name tag who wanted to be on the pink team that the olive team is better by showing her the medals we won and then blind summoning Antaios to show her the team mascot. She took one look at Antaios, said she didn’t care, and still wanted to join the pink team. rofl 😛

    • #325 by Aqua Fresh on 2011.07.01 - 10:22 pm

      Well I like my brown nametag, and lots of my friends in There are brown nametag, we had great times durring There games, so you are wrong when you say “Nobody wants to be BROWN” 😀

      HEH! until we had the There Games I thought my nametag was grey 😀

      Ther color of it never bugged me, but PINK, yeah that would have bugged me 😉


    • #326 by John Kanu on 2011.07.03 - 10:38 am

      > “Nobody wants to be BROWN.”

      Racist! :c

  171. #327 by Guernseyman on 2011.06.30 - 1:20 pm

    The clouds parted and the light was getting stonger, no more greyness as the promised land was lit up for all to see and hope was turned into thankfulness to the creators.

  172. #328 by lisa2 on 2011.06.30 - 1:18 pm

    Thanks for the update MW , and happy to hear that we will eventually be able to change our nametag colour
    always wanted to change that : )

  173. #329 by Dean Caballero ( Bumpin42 ) on 2011.06.30 - 1:15 pm

    Thx for the update Mw just let us know when we can login. : )

  174. #330 by yinch on 2011.06.30 - 1:07 pm


  175. #331 by RunningHawk on 2011.06.30 - 1:06 pm

    Think your doing good job MW can’t wait till THERE is reopen all these other games just don’t cut it:)

  176. #332 by NoBioN on 2011.06.30 - 1:03 pm

    Seems Like things are being done rather issue free. In my ears it doesent sound easy to create programs or scripts to withdrawel information correctly from an old database.

    I bet your excited, even more than anyone here. Reviving something back. That was indeed loved must feel great. It will succed this time. So many mistakes through all the years have been learned from. Alot of knowledge is put into this revival project, and that have shined through since this project launched. And in most cases gained you alot of people to realize that if anyone wanted there to have avoided to close, its the man writing the words on this blog. In bad times that can be hard to see through dozens of rumors and negativity

    You & your teams dedication to this project surely have injected trust into everyone (if it wasent already there) , who have been watching this thread (too much lately lol) since this project was launched.

    Thanks and a future with there as a part of our lives again is very close. Bring it on! 😀

  177. #333 by mmmm22222222 on 2011.06.30 - 1:02 pm

    As you say the ThereIM client will be free for the time being, but when it does start the monthly charging, will it be an extra $10 to have ThereIM alongside membership to the world or will that one $10 include both features?

    • #334 by Michael Wilson on 2011.06.30 - 1:10 pm


      I haven’t said what the monthly charge will be other than it will be “at least” $10.

      But the fee will be for “both”, or “all” clients.

      • #335 by mmmm22222222 on 2011.07.01 - 4:00 am

        Fair enough, Thank you for a reply 🙂

  178. #336 by shezbanjo on 2011.06.30 - 1:02 pm

    thanks for the update and ty for all your hard work

  179. #337 by McKensy on 2011.06.30 - 12:58 pm

    That is indeed some very good news. Blood pressure was getting higher by the hour, but is settling for now 🙂 Did anyone tell you yet, Mr Wilson, how much we appreciate what you are doing for us?! ‘tu

  180. #338 by Lady Tigrane on 2011.06.30 - 12:58 pm

    This is the most astounding news. I’m re adopting you… whether you like it or not dammit!

  181. #339 by debbilyn on 2011.06.30 - 12:55 pm

    Doing a happy dance!

  182. #340 by frankprss on 2011.06.30 - 12:54 pm

    Oh so thats why There.com was down for a couple days

    • #341 by Fallax on 2011.07.01 - 12:55 am

      lol ..yes my dogs are trouble makers..:)

  183. #342 by Fallax on 2011.06.30 - 12:51 pm

    Thanks again for keeping us updated ….its getting closer 🙂 …please keep our dogs fed….I am worried mine got out and might be messing up your servers….lol…

  184. #343 by YankeeintheSouth on 2011.06.30 - 12:49 pm

    With the holiday I’m sure everyone will be busy, so do what you have to do MW. Thanks to you and everyone behind the scene for all their hard work. ‘tu

    • #344 by Zandarkei on 2011.07.01 - 8:48 am

      how did you put a pic here?

      • #345 by Orielle Thereian on 2011.07.01 - 3:25 pm

        If you have a WordPress, Twitter, or Facebook account then below the “Leave a reply” box click one of the options to log in to your account and it’ll use the profile pic you used for that account. For example this time I’m signed on through my Facebook account so it is using my Facebook profile pic.

      • #346 by YankeeintheSouth on 2011.07.01 - 3:48 pm

        Register a account

  185. #347 by Jennifer Taylor Waggoner on 2011.06.30 - 12:48 pm

    THANKS MW! I think ( as do ALOT of my Therian friends) that you are doing a GREAT job! Thanks for the update and THANK YOU for bringing There back. 🙂

  186. #348 by Rob Cross on 2011.06.30 - 12:47 pm

    Thanks for the update MW!

  187. #349 by Colleen Faulcon on 2011.06.30 - 12:46 pm

    Great news! and definitely worth the wait! thanks for the update! ‘tu

  188. #350 by DrChisel on 2011.06.30 - 12:45 pm

    So its all good news that is good.

  189. #351 by Esky on 2011.06.30 - 12:45 pm

    Thanks for the update MW. Well done to the team for all of their hard work and commitment – I’m happy to wait a little longer to see the rebirth of There a success! Enjoy your 4th of July weekend.

  190. #352 by Marianne Mohr on 2011.06.30 - 12:45 pm

    That’s just wonderful! So glad the technical side is moving forward… BRAVO to the team!

  191. #353 by _ShadY on 2011.06.30 - 12:44 pm

    Thank you for the update

  192. #354 by Jim on 2011.06.30 - 12:42 pm

    Michael – great news. I like the updates – keeps us feeling that There isn’t so far away.

    So, clearly everyone will be wanting to jump in (hence the ‘DO NOT INUNDATE…’ message). What can people do, if anything, to indicate they have a significant amount of time available to devote to providing quality feedback? There may be only a small number of them. [I, for example, cannot during the day as I work as a developer for a large company – but could for a few hours each night – perhaps not the level you are looking for initially]. Would there be a list one can submit their candidacy – OR – do you have that list already and everyone should just continue being patient while you continually stroke the marketing flames (doing a good job, btw, of creating interest)?

    Thanks again, and please contact me via email on an entirely separate matter,

  193. #355 by Joey Dantonio on 2011.06.30 - 12:36 pm

    Sounds awesome, great job everyone. Can’t wait! 🙂

  194. #356 by Roxannie on 2011.06.30 - 12:35 pm

    tyvm for the update, sounds great

  195. #357 by bronnieb59 on 2011.06.30 - 12:35 pm

    Sounds awesome!

  196. #358 by Justin Dion on 2011.06.30 - 12:31 pm

    So next week there will be open?

    • #359 by ltbigdog on 2011.06.30 - 1:18 pm

      I think he Is meaning next week ThereIM will be ready for some minor testing then if everything is good then it may be open.

  197. #360 by Egern on 2011.06.30 - 12:31 pm

    best news ive heard in a long long time 😀 saved my day after i got stopped by the police this morning :p

  198. #361 by Deleight on 2011.06.30 - 12:28 pm

    Thanks for the update! 🙂

  199. #362 by MadHatterMemphis on 2011.06.30 - 12:27 pm

    Great news.Can’t wait to be There.Take your time though don’t rush things.We can hold out just a tad longer if need be. ‘tu

  200. #363 by mimi06 on 2011.06.30 - 12:27 pm

    Sounds like alot of work.. hope you take time out to celebrate a bit of RED WHITE and BLUE! thank you for this update. I am still smiling 🙂 Happy Holiday!

  201. #364 by Francis_7 on 2011.06.30 - 12:26 pm

    Fantastic news! I am glad that club reservation thing will work. I am excited that I will be able to remain and avatar with a proper red nametag! And I am even more excited that members of all the other color teams might someday be able to easily convert to the glorious color that is red! This will eventualy make all those defections a lot easier! Keep up the great work!

    • #365 by Yozh SunFlowers on 2011.06.30 - 2:17 pm

      But remember my dear Francis: no fine red There sunset without my ultimate Yellow Team friend, the wonderful, YELLOW sun! 🙂 ‘tu ‘sunflowerbow
      I wish you a glorious, any-colorful day, see you in There!


      • #366 by Codrod on 2011.07.01 - 9:01 am

        Ah, but what you are both forgeting is the silent assassins in this matter, TEAL!

      • #367 by Eric D. Copeland on 2011.07.01 - 3:11 pm

        I dont think i agree with the color change thing! if everyone goes to the one or two top colors that will mean only a few teams for There Olympics

    • #368 by Basya on 2011.07.01 - 11:52 am


      Thanks for the great news! I do look forward to rejoining my friends in There and flying my planes all over the world once again! How I’ve missed that!!

      Don’t forget PINK!!! PINK FOREVER!!! Yes, I will definitely keep my PINK!!! GO PINK!!!

  202. #369 by IceAnge1 on 2011.06.30 - 12:26 pm

    Great news… =] Thanks Mr.Wilson.
    Hope all happens asap. I’m already having There dreams. Q.Q

  203. #370 by Sylverstone Khandr on 2011.06.30 - 12:25 pm

    Wow, that sounds wonderful. I will definitely keep my Peach nametag close to me, got a lot of Peach merch that I cannot throw away.

    One thing I never received an answer for… will you continue payment support for the Ultimate Game Card, MW?

  204. #371 by Escape on 2011.06.30 - 12:24 pm

    Thanks for the update. It’s really good to hear There is completely out of the cage and running in the cloud!

    • #372 by SaltySilver on 2011.06.30 - 3:05 pm

      • #373 by SimplyComplex on 2011.07.01 - 6:12 am

        What is the point of making these videos?

      • #374 by Wendy Stoll (Wendy50s) on 2011.07.01 - 6:53 am

        She enjoys doing it and people like them?

      • #375 by HUGSaLOT on 2011.07.01 - 8:42 am

        funny stuff.. i like how the avatar does “quotation gesture” when it sees actual quotations in the text that it is parsing and speaking. Must be SamSyn in the back in the red shirt, after all he codes all day.

      • #376 by majandithere on 2011.07.01 - 9:03 am

        I like the videos.

      • #377 by Lars Windfeld on 2011.07.01 - 10:04 pm

        Since alot of people ask so silly questions that MW has allready wrote the answer to in his FAQ
        I figure Salty allso belives alot of ppl don’t care to read, maybe they lazy and like the video instead.
        Its sorta like “No I havn’t read the bible, I wait for it to come out as a movie” kinda thing 😀

        Great news on progress ‘TU

        And thank you Salty, those movies are too funny to watch, I love how “MW’s” arms fly around sometime 😀


      • #378 by ashley :) on 2011.07.02 - 8:27 am

        where can i make those kinds of videos??? it looks cool will u plz let me know as soon as possbila

      • #379 by Okalnix on 2011.07.02 - 9:18 am

        This video helps people to.
        reading and hearing ad the same time your get 60% of the info faster.
        only reading are about 40%.

      • #380 by SaltySilver on 2011.07.02 - 9:58 am

        @ SimplyComplex. You may take one or all of the answers provided by the above posts, as an answer to your question. 😀

      • #381 by HighFlier on 2011.07.02 - 11:45 am

        I see where these can be helpful to some people. Also it’s a nice way to present the main topics and represent the blog owner. Your getting pretty good at making these. A+ from me.

      • #382 by Jill Rick on 2011.07.05 - 11:35 am

        Simply adorable.

  205. #383 by Lionsheart on 2011.06.30 - 12:24 pm

    Is a production cluster the there world client just wondering on the timeframe for the world client?

  206. #384 by jerzeesweetheart on 2011.06.30 - 12:24 pm

    Sounds great, thanks for the hard work put into it!

  207. #385 by Jonathan5k2006 on 2011.06.30 - 12:20 pm

    Well this does seem interesting, I have been reading for so many days and seeing comments 🙂 but i havent really commented because i didnt want to look like i was pestering your blog here. I hope there.com lifts off with a big blast, “all engins are go for lift off” :)) Good luck! and hope to join back to there.com again 😀 jonathan5k2006 out! 🙂

    • #386 by James White on 2011.07.01 - 10:10 am

      thats easily translated as “I WANT TO BE FIRST” 😛

      • #387 by Jonathan5k2006 on 2011.07.03 - 12:22 pm

        Actually i know its a joke but no james 🙂 I dont really come on the blog i come on to check the updates.. I cant actually wait as well as you!!! mind speaking about it on a phonecall today with another therian in real life. Talking about the good times! i dont care if im first – last – middle you name it 😀 patience is a virtue 😀

    • #388 by Myhay12 on 2011.07.02 - 1:01 pm

      I cant wayt for the reopening!Good job guyz keep on workin!

    • #389 by Danica Ravenheart on 2011.07.05 - 5:53 am

      When they do re-open are the old passwords we had going to be the same,,,,the e-mail I had at the time is not longer up cause the web-based mail service shut down, so if I have to wait on email I’ll never know

      • #390 by JasonMK on 2011.07.06 - 8:41 am

        From the Q & A:
        Q. What if I’ve forgotten my password?
        A. You will be able to use the same “Forgotten Password” method you used with There: You fill out a form, and we email you the URL to change your forgotten password.

        Q. What if my email address was bogus isn’t accessible any more?
        A. Then you can use the secret question and answer to reset your password.

        Q. What if my email address doesn’t work, and I didn’t set a secret question and answer.
        A. Then it’s going to be very hard for us to help you, since it’s going to be hard for you to give us information which someone else acquainted with you could provide. It may be possible to help you, but we’ll charge you a significant fee for the time to do the research, and it’s not clear we’ll be able to help you.

        Q. Can’t you just send me my password?
        A. No. We didn’t store passwords. We did a one-way encryption on them and stored them.

  1. Updated Predictions | There DE

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