Weekend Update

Ok, first of all, the squid is D-E-A-D.

This weekend, Bruce and Samsyn slaved away at a bunch of little details uncovered by the latest batch of Guinea Pigs. Things like:

  • We used to use an outside provider to send promotional emails, and apparently our code (which I wrote, BTW), didn’t handle the case of us not using that provider any more very gracefully. This was making the servers crashy, SamSyn fixed it.
  • Got a good bug where some bonehead person with interesting ideas about Avatar names was entering interesting characters in the name. Fixed.
  • Did some work on ChangeMe acting weird, with the help of an old friend (whose name I won’t mention because I don’t have their permission.
  • Did some research into some folks with GIANT T$ balances. We need to trap them when we restore their inventory to see if they’re “legit”.

That’s “all”, for a W-E-E-K-E-N-D, folks.

Next weeks we’ll invite more GPs.

I’m sure you all want to know why we can’t be done NOW. Well, we want to get things working as perfectly as we can before opening the floodgates. Otherwise, we’ll be faced with lots of people reporting problems. We would rather go slowly, and get things right, than quickly, and have a mess on our hands.

That’s all for tonight.

  1. #1 by Abby on 2011.07.31 - 9:57 am

    Wish there was open now. I miss it to pieces . XD Was hard enough waiting a year. Right?

  2. #2 by Shelley on 2011.07.30 - 7:37 pm

    We edge closer and closer everyday! I’m definitely going to have to tweak around my schedule to fit time in for There! I was truly dedicated before it closed, and I plan to rebuild that dedication once it reopens. 🙂

  3. #3 by andrewp3567 on 2011.07.30 - 8:01 am

    hoping for an invite! cant wait to get back into the swing of things. keep it up MW

  4. #4 by moondustmadness on 2011.07.30 - 4:53 am

    *SCREAMS* I can’t take this waiting anymore!!!!!!!! ARRRRGH!!!!!!!
    *breaths in, breaths out*
    Okay…I feel better now. Carry on everyone! :0)

  5. #5 by Elaur on 2011.07.29 - 5:25 am

    Yay so cool to see everything bring worked on!!

  6. #6 by Emmeley on 2011.07.29 - 3:56 am

    We just been reading it and know why now.


  7. #7 by Emmeley on 2011.07.29 - 3:52 am


    We used to be on there before and we would like to come back.
    But there is not allowing us to download there and using our old avatars.
    Can anyone tell me why?

    Thank you very much!

  8. #8 by kevinivang12 on 2011.07.28 - 9:51 pm

    mad crazy to start playing again, hey drink water, also, are they thinking on giving yearly plans where we can save some money? instead of 120 dollars, more like 90 or 100$ or something like that?

  9. #9 by SlayingDavo0 on 2011.07.28 - 4:15 pm

    How do I get an invite?

  10. #11 by mmmm22222222 on 2011.07.28 - 3:30 am

    I noticed on a previous post from you MW, that you said the world was being edited to remove islands such as CC Metro, I have a few questions about that.

    When you started working on Virtual Congress, didn’t you use the same world? Just removed all the pazes and things? Just kept the terrain basically.. If so. Shouldnt CC Metro allready be gone? Can’t you just re-load the VC terrain and remove the things that we don’t need to see? Bare in mind I might be completely wrong here… I just thought that you would use the same ‘map’ as people would like to call it…


  11. #12 by PrincessPea on 2011.07.28 - 3:08 am

    Hi there, if you need GPs in the coming days, I’m happy to volunteer.

  12. #13 by GreenAngel on 2011.07.27 - 2:47 pm

    Getting closer to home every day 🙂

  13. #14 by NoBioN on 2011.07.27 - 1:52 pm

    Its hard not to get jealous on the GP’s :-).

    Hopefully, The day to arrive in thereIM will be near!

    Keep up the good stuff :o)

  14. #15 by Dean Caballero ( Bumpin42 ) on 2011.07.27 - 12:10 pm

    Well Damm i guess i`ll have to put some money on SL>>> : (

  15. #16 by Roxannie on 2011.07.27 - 8:48 am

    it’s looking great, can’t wait, i will be able to test the lost my password feature, rofl, i can’t find it anywhere and was hacked 8 times in a row one day while i was logged in so i changed it to make it real hard, well i did a good job, i can’t remember it to save my life, or avatars life rofl, have a good week MW and techs 🙂

    • #17 by Ant1977 on 2011.07.27 - 10:09 am

      I know a few people who will be joining you in using this feature, lol Good Luck Roxannie

  16. #18 by Stephanie Van Hoose on 2011.07.26 - 2:28 pm

    I’m truly excited for the reopening of There. I just want it to be here already. 😀

  17. #19 by Xcal Urradio on 2011.07.26 - 1:48 pm

    Fancis has his Giggles going in the ThereIM Chat…
    Orielle is a fellow Guinea pig and a friend…
    Frances says to Orielle “Girl, I like your Wave’
    And Mr Wilson says this is the place as he takes them by the hand…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on.

    SaltySilver takes a Buggy to the Auction store…
    Buys Okalnix a Jukebox to help him Dance and sing…
    They take it back to satarell waiting at the door…
    And as he gives it to her she begins to sing…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on.

    In a couple of months they have built our home sweet home,
    With a couple of applications running in the cloudddddd,
    … (Ha ha ha ha ha)

    Happy ever after in the THERE.com place…
    Micheal Wilson lets the Guinea pigs lend a hand…
    SamSyn stays in the office to fix this place…
    So all the Thereian’s can build on there own Paz…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on.

    MR WILSON Please post this one the other one had mistakes lol


    thanks lol

  18. #20 by Xcal Urradio on 2011.07.26 - 1:35 pm

    Fancis has his Giggles going in the ThereIM Chat…
    Orielle is a fellow Guinea pig and a friend…
    Frances says to Orielle “Girl, I like you Wave’
    And Mr Wilson says this is the place as he takes them by the hand…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on.

    SaltySilver takes a Buggy to the Auction store…
    Buys Okalnix a Jukebox to help him Dance and sing…
    They take it back to satarell waiting at the door…
    And as he gives it to her she begins to sing…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on.

    In a couple of months they have built a home our sweet home,
    With a couple of applications running in the cloudddddd,
    … (Ha ha ha ha ha)

    Happy ever after in the THERE.com place…
    Micheal Wilson lets the Guinea pigs lend a hand…
    SamSyn stays in the office to fix this place…
    So all the Thereian’s can build on there Paz…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on…
    Ob-la-di, ob-la-da, THERE goes on, brah!…
    Lala how the THERE goes on.

    A little Xcal Remix to keep you all going lol …Good luck our Guinea pigs


  19. #21 by VoniLei on 2011.07.26 - 7:11 am

    So excited to see the progress thru Francis’ videos! Thank you for keeping us updated, and thank you again for giving us a chance to see There resurrected 🙂

  20. #22 by dirty_dirtball on 2011.07.26 - 6:09 am

    Thanks for the update Mr. W.

  21. #23 by Esther_kg on 2011.07.26 - 12:20 am

    On the website, http://www.there.com it says “We are currently only accepting members by invitation, sorry.” If that means invitation by email, can you please resend the email to me? Reason is: I’ve just re-activated it (haven’t used it in like 3 yrs or so). My avatar name is: Esther_kg (and in CASE you want to know it’s related email it’s: Esther1800@myway.com Thanks!

    • #24 by Jordy26 on 2011.07.26 - 1:57 am

      You can’t ask for an invitation. Michael gives them out to the people he chooses. All we can do is just wait, they’re working hard so we should all be in world soon enough.

  22. #25 by coolnet on 2011.07.25 - 6:19 pm

    thank you for the update.

  23. #26 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.25 - 5:26 pm

    Just wondering if this was sent in error to me, or if it was a typo in the name?

    “Dear censored, (check your sent mail, but it was not my name)
    This is your invitation to rejoin/Beta Test the resurrected There.com!”

    I already DL the IM client, but if this was a mistake I will not attempt to use it. Either way, thanks for bringing back my favorite place to be! 🙂

    • #27 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.25 - 9:43 pm

      The lack of response tells leads me to think that its better to ask forgiveness than premission? 🙂

  24. #28 by Raymond on 2011.07.25 - 4:44 pm

    Cant wait to finally get back into there! Slowly but surely.

  25. #29 by B_A_B_S on 2011.07.25 - 4:06 pm

    Super. Thanks for the updates! ‘tu

  26. #30 by Black_Mamba_619 on 2011.07.25 - 3:22 pm

    Mr Wilson,

    Have you decided on a set fee for each month? Will it be $10 dollars. I was also wondering if we are getting any there bucks for each month we pay the money. It’s not a big deal just wondering. Thanks for your response, can’t wait to play there! 🙂

  27. #31 by trevor9393 on 2011.07.25 - 1:31 pm

    Thanks for the update. Better than watching a video of a dead squid.

  28. #32 by zandarkei on 2011.07.25 - 12:56 pm

    Ok I thought this over…Take all the outrageous Tbucks amounts add them all together and devide them up equally into the accounts of avies that have posted here in your Blog over the last 30 days. The fact that my avie is broke did not influence this idea in any way 🙂

  29. #33 by Uni Crystal on 2011.07.25 - 11:54 am

    Thank you so much for the updates looking forward to more updates. Take your time slow and steady is the best way to have the perfect outcome in the end.

  30. #34 by Dina Warren on 2011.07.25 - 11:24 am

    Thanks for the update. Take all the time you need Micheal, I want smooth sailing when there.com does open….. 🙂

  31. #35 by XNecroscopeX on 2011.07.25 - 11:06 am

    WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO! 🙂 Can’t wait… Imma be singing, “Reunited and it feeeeeeeeels so goooooooood!”

  32. #36 by urbanb on 2011.07.25 - 10:55 am

    Oooops, see what impatience will do, doh! … you can remove #56 😀 (cleaning my eyeglasses)

    • #37 by INSPiRE on 2011.07.25 - 11:44 am

      #65 you mean

  33. #38 by urbanb on 2011.07.25 - 10:53 am

    Having problems posting comments 😦 Hope this is not a duplicate

    I wonder what they call pork in New Guinea? Anyway, hope those piggies are doing their best to reveal as many bugs as they can (in a good way)!

    BTW, wondering also are there certain areas that are more focused on for the testing, or is it just normal interactivity?

    *Thanks for the continued work*

  34. #39 by Jacob on 2011.07.25 - 10:51 am

    Hey MW, I’d like to put a few things out there for consideration. When I used to park my car, and leave it, it would start to slightly jump and slowly move forward, and in 10 mins it would be about a foot from where it was.
    Also if you’re looking for a Mac GP, I’m up for anythIng, thanks

  35. #40 by Grimalkin on 2011.07.25 - 10:02 am

    How do get on the list to be a GP?
    can’t wait to get back to There!

    • #41 by INSPiRE on 2011.07.25 - 11:44 am

      its a surpise.

  36. #42 by Raymond Scheffer on 2011.07.25 - 9:22 am

    Incredible, can I buy you guys a coffee or something? Will oGL still be supported? And will the flash compass stay in? 🙂

  37. #43 by Kelayna Hilton on 2011.07.25 - 8:36 am

    Mr Wilson can someone pet my doggies for me in the thereian poochie palace where they have been staying?

  38. #44 by Sara on 2011.07.25 - 8:35 am

    I guess you knew it would be a lot of work getting into this. I hope this is the last time you will need to do this big technology overhaul. But at least you are keeping up with the times. I hope There.com stays open until you are on your last legs MW. Hey this is your virtual world so I hope you make it fly. If the slim chance this business model doesn’t work after a few years(I hope it does and I know it will) I was thinking you could always resort to putting out ThereIM as an alternative to Yahoo Messenger, Skype. Something light like what they have but avatar style. For merely 3.95 a month. Or maybe ads on the bottom to pay for it. Or maybe you could do something with ThereIM so the people that are crying saying they can’t afford 10 dollars could have ThereIM for 3.95 so they can at least have the flavor of There to enjoy. Well we will see. Now I am back to my own virtual world which will go unamed. I am not here to promote my world that probably can only withstand 10 avatars all I know. I am serving this world from my computer. I won’t mention the platform now. But anyway I am having a little fun with a couple concepts. I just get a few visitors from time to time myself. I set up 10 regions. That is a dream to own 10 regions. In Second Life I could never afford that. It is like 300 dollars a region per month. So I couldn’t afford one region let alone ten. But my dream of owning my own world is a reality now and this open source platform is fairly stable in my opinion but still needs fixing up. But let me say this MW, even though I have my own environment now I still want to go into There where a lot of people will be and I can have some fun with buggies and hover crafts of various kinds. Just thought I would mention it so you know people that have other virtual environments going on will still go to yours.

  39. #45 by mmmm22222222 on 2011.07.25 - 8:28 am

    I swear all my T$ were earned legitimately, I just used this trick to outsmart the billing system, Jokes

    I’m still wondering what’s happening with accounts owned by people under the age of 18, As you probably have read in the past, I am 17 and won’t be 18 until next year. Is there a way my account can be ‘frozen’ in some way or another?? I had an idea which COULD maybe earn you a slight bit more money in the process. Maybe having people under the age of 18 paying a certain fee every year or six months, to ‘top-up’ the timer on their account and if they do not pay up, the account can be deleted??? Or you could just keep it until everyone’s 18 haha

    I am willing to pay a fee to keep my account until I turn 18 because I can guarantee I will be back on There, Besides it’s only a year and time fly’s.
    Please get back to me, Thanks.

    Things are looking good with getting There up and going again!

    • #46 by Escape on 2011.07.25 - 11:59 am

      You are so right mmmm22222222, time sure does fly by. It stands still for nobody!

    • #47 by TreGhost on 2011.07.25 - 2:33 pm

      I’m not gonna scroll all the updates to find the answer how he worded it, but don’t worry all accounts are going to be stored. He said he’ll save underage accounts as they were until you’re of age, when you turn 18 you will go through the same process as us minus the bugs, glitches, etc.

    • #48 by DavidWayne on 2011.07.25 - 2:54 pm

      A few years back I heard they were going to add the roller coaster to Tropical Adventures but it never happened. Not sure if it was a rumor (not that anyone in There would start rumors :O).

      • #49 by mmmm22222222 on 2011.07.26 - 4:41 am

        Thanks a lot to everyone who replied to that, and good to hear my account will be looked after, make sure MW that it’s fed on a regular basis. My avie can get moody if it isn’t fed!

        Well I’ll look forward to seeing all my old friends on There next year and looking forward to meeting the people I never had time to meet, amazing how many people I never met even though I was on game since April 2006!

  40. #50 by Jordy26 on 2011.07.25 - 8:02 am

    Can I ask a quick question. I recently found a video of a full scale moving Rollercoaster inside There, which was apparently being developed during the Beta stages. Do you believe this type of thing may return in future after re-launch etc?

    Firstly i’m just looking forward to being able to get back to how it was before, but that would be something pretty good to have if possible again someday.


  41. #51 by TreGhost on 2011.07.25 - 7:56 am

    Yeah the fact that it’s opening is enough for me. That alone makes me look at the 3d (pretend) world I’m moderating now like a pure joke, I sign in and instantly I can no longer relate lol. MW I asked a question in older posts that I don’t think anyone clarified on. You mentioned email verification. I assume because I never got an email to this yahoo account about the survey that I have no idea what email I used for there, I knew only cause I checked there.com periodically somehow knowing it would return. I do know my account name and password. If I have those two things but not the email, am I screwed? I’ll make a new account if I have to don’t get me wrong, but I’m curious about the email verification thing. Now if it’s one of my many aol emails, and you can tell me the email based on my user name and password, I’d be able to verify my email cause I used the same password for the aol accounts.

  42. #52 by urbanb on 2011.07.25 - 7:51 am

    I wonder what they call pork in New Guinea? Anyway, hope those piggies are doing their best to reveal as many bugs as they can!

    BTW, wondering also are there certain areas that are more focused on for the testing, or is it just normal interactivity?

    *Thanks for the continued work*

  43. #53 by xxBethanyxx on 2011.07.25 - 7:50 am

    would much rather have things working perfectly when we’re back. take your time!

  44. #54 by IMAKOS on 2011.07.25 - 7:31 am

    Love The updates, I am able to share it with family and friends In Hawaii. many who have ne ver heard of There.com or Been into a Virtual World. ”’Yay

  45. #55 by dandaroo77 on 2011.07.25 - 7:22 am

    Again I for one would love to see it open today, but I am glad you are doing it this way. Thanks again for the dinner idea last night it was awesome :). See you all in There :).

  46. #56 by Christy Clendenen on 2011.07.25 - 6:51 am

    I am more of a fast and hard ( enjoy the crashes ) kinda chicky~ I am learning patience * giggles*

  47. #57 by Yarndoll on 2011.07.25 - 6:42 am

    It’s nice to know you are ironing out all the kinks now so we won’t be crying later. 😉

  48. #58 by Mark B. (Cowbellwalken) on 2011.07.25 - 6:41 am

    Thanks for the update MW! Thanks for the entertainment as well; I truly wasn’t expecting to see a squid come back to life when I checked your blog last night.

    Good luck GPs! I look forward to hearing your updates.

    Mark B. (Cowbellwalken)

  49. #59 by Innie on 2011.07.25 - 6:30 am


    Are you inviting the GPs from the emails listed here, or from There.com’s database? I was just thinking about this the other day, and I am not sure what email addy my avie used. o.O (Not that I want an invite, or am asking for one. I am just very curious)

  50. #60 by taylorleigh on 2011.07.25 - 6:28 am

    all,,i have too say is::::: thanks so much for all your doing for us people that been on There.com for long time.. you all are Angels for working so hard.. Thank You

  51. #61 by RRTT on 2011.07.25 - 6:23 am

    Nice Update, Go get those bugs!

  52. #62 by Greg Diller on 2011.07.25 - 6:15 am

    I can save you the research on my high T$ balance =)

  53. #63 by Myhay12 on 2011.07.25 - 5:52 am

    Cant wait for there to recome to life!

  54. #64 by cinnamonbabe on 2011.07.25 - 5:44 am

    Thanks for the update MW 🙂

  55. #65 by Lynn on 2011.07.25 - 5:43 am

    thanks for the update good work guys and gals 🙂

  56. #66 by xMelodyChasex on 2011.07.25 - 5:31 am

    Awesome!! Lookin forward to more progress and the re-opening of There. Can’t wait! Thanks all for your hard work so far.

  57. #67 by Cyndi Yonkers on 2011.07.25 - 5:28 am

    Good news, and thanks for the update.

  58. #68 by Cinamonbabe on 2011.07.25 - 4:43 am

    Thanks for the update MW.:)

  59. #69 by ThereLover on 2011.07.25 - 4:40 am

    Thank you MW for the update. Seems things are really coming along 🙂 ‘wave

  60. #70 by AlwaysAngie on 2011.07.25 - 4:31 am

    ok, good to know the squid was already dead 😉

  61. #71 by SlayingDavo0 on 2011.07.25 - 3:59 am

    Who do we contact to ask for an invite?

    • #72 by TreGhost on 2011.07.25 - 9:01 am

      I’ll tell you who. You see those thousands of people? Yeah the ones in that REALLY long line, walk all the way to the end of it, and ask the guy in front of you.

    • #73 by Cyndi Yonkers on 2011.07.25 - 9:35 am

      I would not ask for an invite or it will be back of the line for you.

      • #74 by Cyndi Yonkers on 2011.07.25 - 9:39 am

        With no soup!!!

  62. #75 by Kattwomann on 2011.07.25 - 3:54 am

    Any progress is good news…we will take it! Yayz!

  63. #76 by maverickfred on 2011.07.25 - 3:30 am

    g/day mw and i can wait there is worth waiting for just we all are happy little vegemites lol its a aussie saying lol

  64. #77 by jakejackson on 2011.07.25 - 3:21 am

    As far as I can see we are still moving forward, very cool! “Rome wasn’t built in a Day!”

  65. #78 by puter_head on 2011.07.25 - 3:02 am

    ‘clap ‘clap ‘clap!!

    My hat is off to all you folks for what you are doing, and helping to bring us back to where we want to spend our time! I remember the road from way back in the days of the first beta tests. it has been long and winding… but you have stuck through this no matter what the chalenges it has brought your way. Sometimes it may seem like the end is far far away… but just think about how it will feel to reach it!! Know that each and every one of us appreciates you so very much!

    I beg everyone who answered those survey questions saying they would pay to do so… and to tell as many folks as they possibly can about our old/new world. We can all sit back as all of this work is done, waiting for the doors to open, or we can all stand up and help others to know about this great venture in the hopes of drawing more attention and customers.

    The team doing the actual hands on work needs our help in making this happen! Lets all do our share to get a positive word out about our great world being given back to us. We can all help to make this be a real satisfying experience, and one that will be around for a very long time! We need to speak to all we can and be the positive voice of advertising and be patient and understanding!

    I simply can’t wait to get back in and see all of those friends I have missed for so long! Buggies, boards and paintball yes… but I think I am just going to walk around and take it all back in at first. I just want to be home with my old friends.

    Thank you…


  66. #79 by Wendy Stoll (Wendy50s) on 2011.07.25 - 2:43 am

    Thank you for the update! You guys really should take a day off here and ..There. Not that I’m not grateful for all your time, but it’s making me feel guilty!!

  67. #80 by JonmiChel on 2011.07.25 - 2:33 am

    Thanks you Michael for this update! As I see everything is fixed (at least, the listed tasks) and that’s a good thing. I’m happy everything is working out well.

    We’re so close to be in THERE !!!

    Have an awesome day!


  68. #81 by Okalnix on 2011.07.25 - 2:17 am

    Thanks for the update.
    Indeed better to have a stable software.

  69. #82 by AlwaysAngie on 2011.07.25 - 1:44 am

    O.K. we’ll try this again with my FB page added 😉

    I don’t mind waiting patiently* 😉

  70. #83 by deleight on 2011.07.25 - 1:42 am

    Yes, much better to go the slow, steady pace, rather than rush and produce sheer panic when things aren’t working right. Some people have no idea how things work… it’s not like you flip a switch and everything is working perfectly… if only things were always that easy lol

  71. #84 by Angela on 2011.07.25 - 1:39 am

    I don’t mind waiting patiently 😉

  72. #85 by Joel on 2011.07.25 - 1:23 am

    No rush, I’d rather have a good quality There, than one which crashes every time you move, hah.

  73. #86 by Phil Reinsmith on 2011.07.25 - 1:15 am

    Great update. Thanks for the NEW info. Still being patient.

  74. #87 by Elizabeth Isabell on 2011.07.25 - 1:15 am

    MW wrote: Did some research into some folks with GIANT T$ balances. We need to trap them when we restore their inventory to see if they’re “legit”.

    What do you consider GIANT? I was so proud of my T bucks balance, that I took a picture of my avie showing her balance before lights out… 🙂

    • #88 by Elizabeth Isabell on 2011.07.25 - 1:18 am

      ok so maybe I am a little anal….

      • #89 by DavidWayne on 2011.07.25 - 2:49 pm

        I spent most of my Tbucks thinking I wouldn’t need them anymore. But I’m glad I get to keep my ‘stuff’. I’d hate to have to start all over again.

  75. #90 by Lee Watkins on 2011.07.25 - 1:14 am


    • #91 by Joshua Ley on 2011.07.25 - 2:29 pm

      HEY COME TOPLAY, its me Phantom_Storm, how you been bud. Give me a SKype sometime. Wife says hello as well.

  76. #92 by dakotaman on 2011.07.25 - 12:38 am

    As always, thanks for the update. Hope the whole gang got some ‘beach time’ over the weekend…..they deserve it.


  77. #93 by hdo0oi on 2011.07.25 - 12:35 am

    “We would rather go slowly, and get things right, than quickly, and have a mess on our hands” << like it 'tu'

    Ty MW for the update btw love that pic with rainbow looks awsome

    😀 have a nice day

  78. #94 by Dean Caballero ( Bumpin42 ) on 2011.07.25 - 12:17 am


  79. #95 by EternalQuasar™ on 2011.07.25 - 12:16 am

    Much appreciated for the update(s) as always Oz!

  80. #96 by Kandie Sweetdecision on 2011.07.25 - 12:14 am


  81. #97 by Brett Peake on 2011.07.25 - 12:05 am

    That’s cool MW.. I can wait as long as it takes, just stoked to know home is getting closer 🙂

  82. #98 by FemSage on 2011.07.24 - 11:47 pm

    Virtual worlds are exceedingly complex so I understand the need to slowly perfect. As a longtime beta tester, I know from experience there will still be problems and bugs the GPs missed after opening. Thanks for the update. Waiting patiently in the meantime. KUTGW! You can find me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fem.sage

    • #99 by Michael Wilson on 2011.07.25 - 12:07 am

      I wish There was “increasingly complex”, but for now it’s the same There as a year ago.

      • #100 by Wendy Stoll (Wendy50s) on 2011.07.25 - 2:41 am

        I don’t wish for that. I WANT it the same There as a year ago! After trying to deal with SL this year…give me last year’s There!

      • #101 by Rakja on 2011.07.25 - 7:45 am

        Thank Goodness….Margarita Wednesdays in There will be back on again!!!

      • #102 by Charles Davis on 2011.07.25 - 1:09 pm

        I think it was perfect just the way it was!

      • #103 by Seg_Vio on 2011.07.25 - 1:36 pm

        It’s my strong opinion that There is MUCH more complex than other MMO’s! When I was (cough) projecting my sky city, I had to do complex math & geometry to raise or turn items to fit together (especially the apartments that I’ll add in the picture below!). The avatars react to words such as sad, happy, etc. Also, what makes it so complex is that youcan pretty much make it whatever you imagine (within certain limits).

        When I joined WoW I was GREATLY unsatisfied with how limited things was. Just because the overall graphics is behind other games does not mean that There is not leaps and bounds above other MMO’s!

        The apartments in this photo was projected from a 16th acre PAZ into my own neighborhood. Yes, I know I’m telling on myself…I ran outta drops and doing it that way allowed me to rent rooms within them. 😛

      • #104 by Taelos Katran on 2011.07.25 - 3:02 pm

        I never met a game engine that I liked. They all are quirky and poorly documented. At least with the There software base you are finding old code you worked on before. Even some causing oopsies now that environment assumptions have changed. ‘wink

  83. #105 by toufovou on 2011.07.24 - 11:34 pm


  84. #106 by bronnieb59 on 2011.07.24 - 11:29 pm

    Much prefer this kind of update .. Ty 🙂

  85. #107 by Basya on 2011.07.24 - 11:15 pm

    Thanks for the update! (NOT going to say anything about the previous one though, except to say ugh!) Umm…how do we upload images, etc. in our comments to this blog? I would like to upload a few memories!

    • #108 by IMAKOS on 2011.07.25 - 7:54 am

      Basya, I would be happy to help you , Just add me in Thumdar.com and I will walk you through it.

  86. #109 by Buddy Schreiber on 2011.07.24 - 11:12 pm

    Fantastic news as always! Hugs to everyone!!!

  87. #110 by Greenie on 2011.07.24 - 11:12 pm

    I’m all for the team taking the time they need. Beta testing serves all of us, even if some of the GP’s are a bit overdone by the time it’s served. ;-P Thanks for the reports and updates!

  88. #111 by DJHussey on 2011.07.24 - 11:08 pm

    Sweet, thanks MW! Woohoo for inviting more GPs “next weeks”!

  89. #112 by Justine on 2011.07.24 - 10:59 pm


  90. #113 by shezbanjo on 2011.07.24 - 10:54 pm

    i think we would all rather wait till things are running smoothly.thanks for the update 🙂

  91. #114 by Lady Tigrane on 2011.07.24 - 10:48 pm

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    • #115 by clarence on 2011.07.25 - 2:15 pm

      i totaly agree with u tady tigrane and it puts less hassle on them to find the prob before letting hundres of people be emailing them daily of the prob. and ya! go guienie pigs hope im one

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