Survey Closed and What Happens Next


This morning we pulled the final numbers and specifics on the survey. It will be “closed’ in the next day or so.

We didn’t pre-announce the closing because we didn’t want to tip off our little friends into making a sprint on the gaming front.

Here’s what happens next:

  • We’ll take a look at the data to figure out what’s real and what’s not.
  • We’re considering releasing the raw data to the public, so everyone can see what we’re looking at…. (gives our little Gamer friends time to go change their undies, since they probably just soiled them)…But we may not be able to due to privacy concerns. We’ll see.
  • We’ll let you know what the results are, and our decision, next week.

In the mean time, I will let you all know that for some time after the survey numbers started to come in, I’ve had our folks working on setting up the right infrastructure in Amazon (just in case, you know), and SamSyn is working on a Cool-io migration program to, if we need it, migrate avatars and their possessions, buddies, ignores, etc, etc from the “old” system to the “new” system. (IF There is re-opened, I’m most excited about the fact you will be in a nice clean, empty system. You have no idea how much crap (there’s no other word for it) built up in the old system. If nothing else, it offended our geeky sensibilities of order, and probably had other negative impacts, too. )

So, stay tuned.

P.S. Please don’t pummel me with questions about Free Accounts, Trial Accounts, or under 18 access at this time.

P.S.S. If you _do_ pummel me about under 18 access, please at least try to use correct spelling and grammatically correct sentences. That will make it harder for me to respond “Well, you should be in school studying up on spelling and grammer anyway, not hanging out in There”.

P.S.S.S. If you _do_ pummel me about under 18 access, please at least try not to give me pathetic arguments about “It should be free”. That will make it harder for me to respond “Go read Atlas Shrugged, then come back and we’ll discuss it.”

  1. #1 by JFaith on 2011.05.18 - 7:42 am

    P.S.S.S. If you _do_ pummel me about under 18 access, please at least try not to give me pathetic arguments about “It should be free”. That will make it harder for me to respond “Go read Atlas Shrugged, then come back and we’ll discuss it.”

    Dear Michael Wilson,
    You are an idiot. How dare you try to invoke the spirit of Ayn Rand. I spent alot of money on “There.Com” and it’s the last dime you will ever see from this poor person. Enjoy your laurels, I’m not sure I could.

    • #2 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.18 - 8:04 am

      Interesting. I’m not sure how you think I’ve offended Ayn Rand, I’ll guess I probably read all her works at a younger age and more since then than most people here. She had some odd quirks (here female roles in her books seemed to consistently be abused at one time or another), but on the whole I admire her work and philosophy. In fact, one of the reasons There didn’t work before was that it tried to give the service away too much, instead of just charging for what it cost to run it.

  2. #3 by Miguivan on 2011.05.17 - 9:43 am

    I would like u to send me a Mail when you know The exact day when there reopen and how much we should Pay for it.

  3. #4 by Zach on 2011.05.16 - 7:07 pm

    Not sure if I really agree with the ’18 ‘ rule. I don’t see a point in making it that way when the game didn’t have the rule when it was open.

    (Note: I’m only 15 so I could be biased.)

  4. #5 by 3cMaldito on 2011.05.16 - 4:44 pm

    I sure hope the names remain the same for I definitely would spend days redoing the iggy list at my funzone. However after all this “Zephyr” territory claims by disgruntled members that simply are not welcomed anywhere else, seems I will have to invest in new real state while my iggy list remains the same.

    Now bow your headz

    Dear Lord, I ask that you grant me the ability to be cunning and smart in my quest to be victorious over my enemy and adapt to whatever he may put before me by using the assets you have placed on this earth and the abilities instilled within me so we may all see you THERE2.

  5. #6 by Therian Fan on 2011.05.16 - 11:45 am

    IF There does come back, as you said we would be getting our stuff back. For some reason you had trouble recovering our account. What would you would happen at that point?

  6. #7 by karenga anderson on 2011.05.16 - 10:21 am

    Im so excited, I hope they come out with an Ipad app!!

  7. #9 by Linwood on 2011.05.16 - 10:06 am

    From what I understand, the lifetime beta accounts will be honored if There reopen’s. Will we have the option of paying the monthly fee?

  8. #10 by NathanAvis on 2011.05.16 - 9:58 am

    lol I can hear the “bring in hugs and cats!!!11” requests already.
    Just a couple more days or so now for a decision…..can’t wait!

    • #11 by Wendy Stoll on 2011.05.16 - 11:41 am

      eh, we already got hugs. I’m wondering about quest kits myself 🙂

      But I’ll take There with none of the above. I hope hope hope!


  9. #12 by ohxcaptain on 2011.05.16 - 7:46 am

    these comments are toooooo entertaining. being hateful is so pointless. anyway, i’m anxious to hear what you decide! there was/is/always will be the best!

  10. #13 by mimi06 on 2011.05.16 - 6:52 am

    wait, whose that for MW? lol.. ( I know, NOT forums) 😦 I’ll just watch n not post 🙂

  11. #14 by Joselyn on 2011.05.16 - 6:48 am

    Waiting not so patiently, hoping to hear good news very soon! My hubby and I met in There and have missed being able to go to all our “special” spots on anniversaries. Can’t wait!

  12. #15 by Jason Riv on 2011.05.16 - 6:21 am

    Hi Micheal I was banned from there for using a exploit to get extra there bucks I know it was wrong, and I had been in there for 4-5 years, outstanding island guide for about 2 years. I was wondering maybe if you decide to unban maybe you could just take everything from the account “therebucks” and “items” and just give the account back?

  13. #16 by mimi06 on 2011.05.16 - 6:07 am

    MONDAY… clairol worked.. 🙂

    • #17 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.16 - 9:46 am

      Ok Mimi,
      Follow these instructions VERY carefully ..
      1. Close your eyes
      2. Take several deep breaths
      3. Your cheating! KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED!!
      4. Open your eyes on Wednesday morning and log back in here ..
      It WILL be the 18th cuz it has been foretold by CARNAC the Magnificent 🙂

      • #18 by mimi06 on 2011.05.16 - 10:40 am

        @snoopy.. yes SIR rofl but but why the 18th?

      • #19 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.16 - 10:41 am

        18th? All that happens on the 18th is I’ll have everyone back at work.

  14. #20 by JuliaThePirate on 2011.05.16 - 5:45 am

    Ahoy me hearties! I have refrained from posting, but would like to say I’m pleased to know there is a distinct possibility that There will reopen. I’ve personally had strong feelings on the matter but choose to not publicly state them for various reasons. I look forward to walking into Pirates Keep again, nothing would give me great pleasure. Julia

  15. #21 by T_sparky on 2011.05.16 - 3:27 am

    hi michael thought i’d add a comment seeing as ive been checking your blog upteen times a day lol done
    the survey and put down for $15 month so keeping fingers crossed there re-opens 🙂 sooo missing me
    buggy’s etc 😦 been using sl for while now but its just not same as there but still be dividing me time between
    them both if there re-opens
    and cheers for all the effort you and others are puting into this, much appreciated ‘tu

  16. #22 by NoBioN on 2011.05.16 - 12:42 am

    Pretty excited for the result. I have faith in, that it will work out fine. If much worse virtual worlds keeps going year after year. There have to be a solution for our (in my opinion) superior world.

    If there is, makena will find it. Much is possible when the people behind the scenes are as dedicated to make this succesfull, as makena are.

  17. #23 by Rick on 2011.05.15 - 11:15 pm

    so its monday any idea of when you will let us know mr wilson?

  18. #24 by Cassi on 2011.05.15 - 10:27 pm

    I would just like to say that my stomach is in knots waiting for this answer, surgery and a potential answer to whether is reopening, in the same week… well lets just say sleep is not an option! lol C’mon MW! :~) I hope you find the magic solution in the numbers! Friends, enemies, and old aquaintances alike, we all want it back! I miss my buggies…and wanna go back to spending hours trying to get on the board at the buggy zones 🙂

  19. #25 by Summers on 2011.05.15 - 6:20 pm

    Can I start a petition to bring back Helper_Jane?

    • #26 by NathanAvis on 2011.05.16 - 2:40 am

      Yes, because she won’t cost money or anything. Sheer numbers alone will pay her salary!
      You can do it, Summers!

    • #27 by Innie on 2011.05.16 - 6:49 am

      Only if we can have Vash back. Just gotta have Vash! Heck, Vash, Samsyn, and Spiritus is all we need. I am glad to know Samsyn is still there, but gotta have my other two 😉

      • #28 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.16 - 9:49 am

        I heard Vash was secretly running the Community group at YowNow. Of course, it could just be a rumor. Or I could just be pulling Vash’s chain. A little. 🙂

  20. #29 by That Guy on 2011.05.15 - 6:10 pm


    FIRST of all “is much more cheap” is incorrect grammar. The correct way of saying what you were TRYING to say is “is much cheaper”. Also, “but ultimately come across”, in this case you were supposed to use the past tense of “come” as in “came” because the act of him coming across as a child happened in the PAST!

    Jesus Christ, if you want to harass Aaron about receiving money from his mother and father (which is a further proof of ignorance because he stated he has a job and has leisure money), then maybe YOU should proofread your posts before you try to make fun of someone that is supposedly less intelligent and younger than you are.

    SECOND of all, there’s no need to be a jerk about things. That was a very well thought about post and by all means needs to be RESPECTED, like SaltySilver exhibited did when she replied.

    Furthermore, my opinion on the matter is if you are a 16 / 17 year old and you have any money at all, by all means dump it into and lie about your age. Obviously MW needs your help, and it’s not like he’s running a porn site. You could be doing worse things, like drinking and driving or smoking 3 different kinds of meth and making the world a crappier place than it already is.

    • #30 by That Guy on 2011.05.15 - 6:19 pm

      Haha, looks like I’m a hypocrite because I didn’t take out “did” when I put “exhibited”, but oh well. At least I’m not a jerk!

      • #31 by NathanAvis on 2011.05.16 - 2:49 am

        I have no problem with him being under 18, or being looked after financially by his parents. I also understand his plea. The problem is I don’t agree with it. MW has made himself clear over and over and over. While I’m sure this guy is a nice guy it’s hard to take someone that doesn’t listen and persists seriously. All he would have had to have done is not say anything, make a new account and get his parents to register him and no one would have cared or been the wiser.

        My grammar is for the most part acceptable, by the way, and when people tend to use that as a tool in their argument (I forgot, we aren’t meant to argue in here! Whoops) then there is little substance behind it. To Aaron I apologise, you had to deal with an irresponsible adult (me!) under the influence while reading something already over-challenged in the blog. So sorry.

        For the record, MW needs everyone’s help. That is why we have been issued a survey, and are likely to be shown the costs of running the future There.Com if it does indeed reopen. Every customer this time round would be a lifeline.

  21. #32 by Patrick James on 2011.05.15 - 3:46 pm

    M,W. – Being an independant business owner I understood what you were up against lasy year. I admired you for coming into the world and exposing yourself to some of the hateful comments and false charges leveled against you. I think you actions now prove where your heart is and encourage you to keep looking for the way to make this happen.

    Thank you for what you are doing and for everything you have done in the past for !

  22. #33 by xcal Urradio on 2011.05.15 - 1:31 pm

    Is It next week Yet lol

    • #34 by jimony on 2011.05.15 - 4:14 pm

      Yes, today is next week, but so is tomorrow and 5 days after that.

  23. #35 by Colaxaddicted on 2011.05.15 - 1:26 pm

    Oh my god , i’m ready to spend my money again for my lovely 3D game *.* , i’m 18 years old only , i hope that it won’t make a problem , anyway i’m waiting for your decision guys !
    –> Getting a house & car & friends & a lot of clothes & start to creat my own clothes collection as i’ve always did in the previous years ♥

  24. #36 by N3rd_status on 2011.05.15 - 1:08 pm

    Strange evenstupider was never actually banned…nice try guys.. He was right next to me in zephyr when the lights whent out…

    • #37 by Orielle on 2011.05.15 - 4:32 pm

      Actually he was banned, twice that I know of. I remember when some were posting in forums asking for There to give him a second chance. There’s even videos on youtube of what he did at NurseJay’s event.

    • #38 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.16 - 3:06 am

      N3rd_status, hmmm, that name sounds so familiar 🙂
      Stranger even is the fact that I clearly remember that event NurseJay’ had and he went out of his way to get banned, several times.
      Also went over all the pics I have from Zephyr on that closing night. On the bridge, In Tonisha’s paz and in a couple of WildBillies Paz’s. Nether of your avies shows up in any of them. Hundreds of avies in Zephyr and I cant find your name or his among any of them. Strange huh.

  25. #39 by Ant1977 on 2011.05.15 - 1:04 pm

    Thank you Michael Wilson, for being so patient and giving so much thought to re-opening! Good Luck with whatever your decision is.

    • #40 by Amxscott on 2011.05.15 - 4:17 pm

      I agree with Ant, THANK YOU.
      Just in case your decision is YES, I have been busy digging out all my saved neighborhood layout files just in case I might need them soon !!!!!!!

      • #41 by Ant1977 on 2011.05.15 - 7:22 pm

        I should really find my layout discs too amxscott…. lol, since I totally cleared ArrowWood during that final hour. Lots of building to get done, hopefully I can find the time needed for such a task.

  26. #42 by Okalnix on 2011.05.15 - 12:09 pm

    Let wait for the green light ( re opening There. )
    Its a good thing that people have intresting the game still.
    Same for me.
    If there is a go go people you still need to wait a bit longer I think befor starting up There.
    I hope you all give MW and his people some time to fix and set all thing corect in place.
    Let count down till zero and fingers here crossed.

  27. #43 by mimi06 on 2011.05.15 - 10:51 am

    (IF)… I will settle for barefeet! rofl.. (sorry, in a silly mood just found that question funny) MW can I ask, is your Staff still the same as we knew? Meaning Julian? and Vash? umm, cant recall them all.. just wondered, causes ya gotta be crazy to handle all these calls alone.. rofl..

    goes back to my cornor…:D

    • #44 by Donnie on 2011.05.16 - 2:46 am


    • #45 by Donnie on 2011.05.16 - 2:47 am

      Lies you can tell your lieing from how you typed it lol.

  28. #46 by Nextalk on 2011.05.15 - 9:58 am

    Please Reply Mr. Wilson, But remember the last week that was open you’re company was giving away free bunny slippers…… When we come back in game will we have all those slippers lol?

    • #47 by Nextalk on 2011.05.15 - 9:59 am

      Super bunny slippers *

      • #48 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.15 - 10:06 am

        Are you over 18?

      • #49 by Aaron on 2011.05.15 - 2:07 pm


      • #50 by Karmapup on 2011.05.15 - 2:29 pm

        yeah, I was kinda hoping that we might be able to get a substitution for the bunny slippers, since we are doing away with the kids and all, just a thought. 🙂

      • #51 by Nextalk on 2011.05.15 - 6:37 pm

        yes…I am..?

  29. #52 by hugsalot on 2011.05.15 - 9:36 am

    If there2 is coming back online, will there be a sort-term “beta” phase that some of us can get involved in? (especially us lifers from 2004 beta & previous) Or will it be all or nothing when it comes back on?

    • #53 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.15 - 10:05 am

      I’m sure we would be letting a small number of people in first to make sure things are working well. And then more people as we are sure things are working better.

      Judging from your posts, tolerance, degree of forbearance and patience with imperfection, we wouldn’t let you in until we’re sure things are up to your standards of perfection. Right now, I’d estimate that to be sometime around 2525

      • #54 by there_forever on 2011.05.15 - 11:38 am

        “some of us”???
        Since There was SO bad, why do you even want to be a Beta tester again?
        Usually someone that doesn’t like something, keeps away from it

      • #55 by MadHatterMemphis on 2011.05.15 - 11:41 am

        I would gladly volunteer my services to try out the world before opening it up to the flood of people that are sure to be coming back IF you reopen There

      • #56 by moondustmadness on 2011.05.15 - 11:50 am

        LOL!!!!!! Niiiiiiiiiice!

      • #57 by Amxscott on 2011.05.15 - 1:03 pm


      • #58 by Tomixcomics on 2011.05.15 - 1:43 pm

        Well, posting here likely isn’t going to do much difference but I would just kick myself if Beta were to start without me writing this request, seeing as I have no other direct connection to any THERE officials but these blog replies. So I’d like to take advantage of the fact this post hasn’t been flooded with “OMG KAN I B IN IT?????” replies yet, and say that as a very active, long time member of THERE (since 2003), I would love it if I could be in the small group that gets let in early. (If this group exists, and if there reopens, obviously).

        Both because I want to be supportive of the game, and also because I would be lying if I were to say I’m not anxious as heck to get back into the game. 🙂 I hope I’ll be considered for it.

      • #59 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.15 - 2:56 pm

        2525 LOLOLOL TOO FUNNY !!

      • #60 by There Lover on 2011.05.15 - 3:54 pm


      • #61 by hugsalot on 2011.05.15 - 4:17 pm

        the idea that my avatar will be a clean slate again is intriguing. As you said in previous post, there’s a lot junk data in the “old-There” database. Now we can pick and choose what we have and slowly add it into the new-there with out the baggage.

      • #62 by hugsalot on 2011.05.15 - 4:29 pm

        Just because I’m cynical and critical about this, and as a whole, doesn’t mean i hate it. If i truly did hate it, i wouldn’t be bothering with the survey, or this blog. I’m not here to flame, I am partly here to argue in a constructive way.. not to be a douchebag and troll like some ppl seem to be doing.. I may be making some vast assumptions here about what’s going on, but I have a LOT of experience in this. there_forever, you’re making a HUGE assumption that I hate just because of how I post, but not from what I’ve actually SAID. I’ve NEVER said “I hate” or “ sucks..” out right. But people who seems to be blinded by how wonderful and amazing is will READ from what i post as if I hate it.

        There’s nothing wrong with pointing out issues and problems. Starting assumptions to see if MW bites at anything i say and hopefully sheds more light on it. We are all eager for more information. Pretending that it was perfect and wonderful with meaningless fluttery posts isn’t helpful. I may be jaded about this, but it doesn’t mean i hate I’m actually looking forward to checking out from how MW describes how it’s going to work out. As to loving it, or hating it is still up in the air. I’ll probably land somewhere in the middle.

      • #63 by Studly From There on 2011.05.16 - 8:33 am

        Mr Wilson,

        I would so be honored to help beta test (i was an original beta tester) the new world with the mac version. If you remember from the There forums i pestered you about the mac client.

      • #64 by Joselyn on 2011.05.16 - 9:47 am

        OOhhh I would also like to volunteer, I was a beta tester in 2003 🙂

    • #65 by NathanAvis on 2011.05.16 - 2:55 am

      I agree hugs, there’s nothing wrong with pointing out “problems”. As you have learned, doing so is greatly rewarded.
      My 21st lot of descendants are looking forward to meeting you in There.Com.

  30. #66 by hugsalot on 2011.05.15 - 9:23 am

    How does one pummel Michael anyway? 🙂

  31. #67 by watchlight on 2011.05.15 - 8:49 am

    I can’t wait till next week!! 😀 I hope the result is pretty good so we maybe have a chance to re-open! 🙂

  32. #68 by Jonathan on 2011.05.15 - 8:21 am

    IF There re-opens again, will you be sending another email letting people know the outcome?

    • #69 by Summers on 2011.05.15 - 6:15 pm

      That is all.

      • #70 by Jonathan on 2011.05.16 - 8:09 am

        Eh? Surely it doesn’t cost that much to send the emails, knock off the emails that bounced, job done, more users initially.

        The possible income of people joining, would surely ‘outweigh’ the cost of one email.

  33. #71 by xxBethanyxx on 2011.05.15 - 7:31 am

    Haha! You’re probably right about the Gamers! 😀

  34. #72 by PeachQw on 2011.05.15 - 7:11 am

    nice and amusingly the last question’s answer should have been, i see it getting closed and then reopening it on .. August 2011

  35. #73 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.15 - 5:41 am

    Assuming you do re-open There, I have a couple of suggestions I don’t remember seeing anyone mention before.
    1. For the first few days after logging in our first avie, make any additional avie(s) lower in price for a few days so that most of us can collect all our “stuff” onto one avie. A better suggestion would make those additional avie(s) free for a brief time to do the transferring. Limit the number of additional avies to 2 or 3.
    2. For those who want to have more than one active avie, set up a tiered system where additional avies can be available for some additional cost. Like if you were going to charge $10 a month for the primary, charge $5 a month more for each additional avie.
    Can’t believe you guys have not discussed those ideas but just wanted to toss them out.
    I read your bio Mike, Impressive, VERY impressive!! eBay huh? DAMN!! Right place at the right time always works!

    • #74 by EvenStupider on 2011.05.15 - 8:50 am

      do you ever get tired of kissing up?

      • #75 by Dolphin on 2011.05.15 - 10:53 am

        Not anything more then what you have been doing since the survey came out. Weren’t you banned from So then one would ask the question if you were banned why show up everywhere in Michael’s blog and in Thumdar? You probably took the survey even knowing beforehand and MW clearly stated that anyone that was banned from would NOT BE ALLOWED back in (IF) it was to re-open. You have been writing in every blog on what MW could do or shouldn’t do that would be kissing up from a banned member :D. So I really don’t see Snoopy kissing up as he will be allowed to get back into There seeing he is not a banned member :).

        Kissing up=People who have done something wrong and wanna make things right. As would be in your case :D.

      • #76 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.15 - 11:26 am

        Hmm. Haven’t we talked about about fighting in the Blog?

      • #77 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.15 - 2:52 pm

        Thanks Dolphy,
        But he is speaking out of ignorance, which is usually the case.
        I did read Michales bio and I was impressed.
        Anyone who knows me, knows I have not spoken very highly of Michael in the past.
        Kevin, I don’t kiss up, I just call them like I see em. If you haven’t read his bio, STFU!
        Guess I can say that huh? 🙂 No more PG-13

      • #78 by jimony on 2011.05.15 - 3:13 pm

        You’ve also already talked about trying to find a way for people to consolidate inventory from multiple accounts once the world is opened.

      • #79 by EvenStupider on 2011.05.15 - 6:29 pm

        “Kissing up=People who have done something wrong and wanna make things right. As would be in your case”…. I guess SirHugsALot isn’t the only one consistent with misconceptions.(although I bet he is entirely original in being the only person from There to post nude pictures of himself online) Kissing up involves charming someone with the aim of receiving special attention… what I’ve done is offered thought out suggestions on what I think would improve the potential relaunch – without making statements such as “oh Mr.Wilson, I’ve done extensive research on your works, and must say… that I wake up with cold sweats throughout the night…dreaming of your wonderful accomplishments”. Perhaps you should check your sources before assuming that I was permanently banned. And even I were, what should prevent me from posting on Michael Wilson’s personal blog, offering suggestions on how I think he should re-open For all you know, I could be colleague of Mr.Wilson’s hoping to see him do well? It is that far fetched that I have a vested interest in seeing the company do well, without directly being a customer of their product? The point is, my ability to play shouldn’t prevent me from providing feedback on how I think Makena should establish their new product.

        As for your remarks Kennith, I’m glad you have to time to research Michael Wilson for your personal satisfaction. Perhaps you could educate yourself on the use of Power Point, and present your findings at your upcoming Association of Retirees meeting? :)The only value I would derive from that however, is if Makena offered an IPO – otherwise, my research can be put to better use.

      • #80 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.15 - 7:06 pm

        We all really need to stop the bickering in my blog, or I’m going to go all Yow…er, well, you know what I mean. Chill out folks, PLEASE.

  36. #81 by Roxannie on 2011.05.15 - 4:56 am

    i just found this post on facebook, and it looks to me as if they are trying to take credit for there 2 idea, not sure maybe i misinterpreted it, but i thought i would share it, and i know who gets all the credit for the there 2 idea, Michael Wilson that’s who we owe thanks to, for having a heart and working so hard to try and bring back to the people who loved it without operating at a loss, tyvm MW

    We still love
    We had started the campaign for reopening of There through this page on May 15, 2010. Today we have been able to initiate the idea of There 2 by Makena Technologies. We thank all our dear members for being an instrumental part of this campaign and we are hopeful to get There 2 in near future. HAPPY FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF We still love

    ‘hmmm ‘humph

  37. #82 by Rebecca McArthur on 2011.05.15 - 2:08 am

    Why oh why aren’t you rushing into the under age gaming arena????? Seems like such a safe place to hang out… :\

  38. #83 by Larry Hoffman on 2011.05.14 - 10:19 pm

    Michael, one lesson you had to learn from the closing last year is that the helpers banned too many members. Maybe it wasnt the first reason for the shut down but it definitely looked like one of them. Please implement what you’ve learned and get better helpers, helpers who are not trigger happy nazi idiots. If you have to use the same failing emloyees that you had the last time you could give them new guidelines to work by. Remember the old saying “the customer is always right” and keep in mind that we ARE your customers and that you depend on us to achieve success. one thing is certain the option to drive your customer away is the very last resort and this way of thinking has not been implemented by your inferiors so far.

    • #84 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.15 - 6:59 am

      Wow. What an incredibly rude comment. Doesn’t matter if you’re a customer or not, you don’t have a right to talk about other people that way.

      • #85 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.15 - 8:18 am

        Sounds like Larry needs a name change and a trip to Zephyr Michael.

      • #86 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.16 - 5:12 am

        I have very few rules. You just broke two. Congratulations.

      • #87 by tiggy on 2011.05.16 - 6:43 am

        Uh ohhhhh….

        She meant Thursday… yea Thursday..

        And Clairol has a new shampoo, smells great!… Yea.. that’s the ticket….

        (hide Mimi!!!)

      • #88 by mimi06 on 2011.05.16 - 10:43 am

        @Tiggy, TheriOL shampoo? What isle is that in? rofl (goes back to my cornor) I think I’m officially going crazy. waiting for (IF)……

      • #89 by Innie on 2011.05.16 - 6:50 am


        Who was that posted to? o.O

      • #90 by Jel on 2011.05.16 - 11:35 am

        hmm. who WAS it posted to?

      • #91 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.16 - 9:18 am

        One more person who has a name change and a trip to Zephyr coming up LOL
        Hope your keeping a list Michael 🙂

    • #92 by hugsalot on 2011.05.15 - 9:34 am

      This is what TOS and Licence Agreements are for.. you don’t read them you’ll get screwed since you won’t realize you broke those rules. While I do agree power corrupts, and there have been a LOT of inconsistencies with how governed it self in the past (among other things) it’s easy to call them nazi’s but that’s going overboard. You might wanna look up what nazi/socialism actually is before you spew things like this.

      Rest assured though Larry. If and when there2 comes online (I think it will considering how much effort is going into this) there will fewer admins patrolling the world, since 1) no free accounts, thus a drastic cut in griefers. 2) MW hinted that there’s a much smaller staff that will be involved considering how much they need to lower operation costs.

      I get the feeling MW is playing this all by ear, stir up some hype about it, bring it online, play with it for a couple weeks – to a month, and see how things work out, what doesn’t. Maybe fix things as we see them, and not wait 6 months to a year to actually address problems found.

      • #93 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.15 - 10:03 am

        I’ll say one thing, you are consistent in your mis-conceptions.

      • #94 by NathanAvis on 2011.05.15 - 1:43 pm

        While it is true some staff and volunteers might not have acted in ways we agree with 100% of the time, they are only human and for the most part have aimed and usually succeeded in making There.Com a pleasant experience for the customers that behave and “play nice”.

        I’ve been warned a couple of times and in hindsight those were fair warnings and I soon changed my ways. I feel the comments about the employment structure and employees of There are inappropriate and unnecessary.

    • #95 by mimi06 on 2011.05.15 - 10:44 am

      nazi idiots? surely hope your not reffering to those of us that are hard working adults with families, and gave hours and hours of our FREE time to keep THERE as safe as we could? I am offended.. and saddened by that comment..Matter of fact, if you come into any world with words such as that, you surely would make my ignore list.
      P.S. glad YOUR not my customer, otherwise you wouldnt like my services, because I wouldnt take a dollar of your time 😉

      • #96 by Orielle on 2011.05.15 - 12:56 pm

        I don’t think he was calling Island Guides “nazi idiots,” he was calling heplers, the mods with Helper_ in front of their names that… Island Guides were there to help new members and Helpers were there to deal with abuse complaints. The helpers weren’t always perfect but I don’t blame them for modding everyone who willingly participated in fights and such. Remember, if someone is trying to provoke you in to a fight you can always put them on ignore and/or leave.

        As far as the customer is always right…. Top 5 reasons why “The Customer Is Always Right” is wrong

  39. #97 by mimi06 on 2011.05.14 - 6:46 pm

    @ danielle, no guides 🙂 @ dolphy, you gona teach me how to drive? (IF) rofl

    • #98 by Dolphin on 2011.05.15 - 2:04 am

      Hmmmm mimi I’m not sure if that’s possible for you to be able to learn how to drive a buggy 😛

      • #99 by mimi06 on 2011.05.15 - 10:31 am

        Oh Oh you just wait dolphy, Grannies got the need for speed! (IF) she gets the chance to try rofl

    • #100 by MrScrooge on 2011.05.15 - 5:31 am

      I’ll teach you how to drive Mimi, just be sure to wear a helmet. I don’t know if the Testers will still be around but we can drive around looking for them. I miss relocating them to Zephyr. (IF)

      • #101 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.15 - 8:16 am

        If they still exist, that is one of the first things we gotta do.
        See if we can set a new record for Testers in Zephyr.
        Your not gonna let Mimi get behind the wheel, are you?
        OMG, everyone run for your lives!! LOL

      • #102 by mimi06 on 2011.05.15 - 10:33 am

        Hey NOW, I may be little but I am mighty! Gimi the chance.. As far as Zephyr is concerned I would know what it looks like, I spent most of my avie time there FACE down in the dirt! 😦

  40. #103 by dakotaman on 2011.05.14 - 6:46 pm

    Thanks for the continued updates, Michael. I will be among thousands of people waiting for your decision and will be in line waiting to be reunited with my avie, if you decide the time IS right. I hope you and your team know how much we appreciate the hard work put in keeping the dream and future of There alive. One thing I had reinforced in my mind, during this whole process, is the unrealized potential of There2. I hope that you find a way to keep There2 open long enough for the rest of the world to discover why it remains the preeminent Social MMO.


    P.S. I would imagine there ARE some people ‘cleaning out their pants’ right now in anticipation of a There2 opening.

  41. #104 by Oz on 2011.05.14 - 5:52 pm

    MW….. I am going to assume that you will be re-opening There. I do have a couple of questions tha no one else has asked yet. Some of us never deleted the client when you closed. Will it still work or do we have to download a new one? Also the third party comasses and patches we all had. Will they still work? Please take the time to reply. Thanks…….

    • #105 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.14 - 7:18 pm

      I’m sure you will have to download a new client. Well, pretty sure. IF we re-open, that is.

  42. #106 by Sleestak on 2011.05.14 - 3:03 pm

    I just want to drive a buggy while using voice, talking about nothing important the way I use to do. Those were the days

  43. #107 by Sweetnothing on 2011.05.14 - 2:29 pm


    Are you calling them old? Thats not very nice!!

    • #108 by SoledadNegativa on 2011.05.14 - 5:36 pm

      LOL, Sweet, whats up,

      if you know me, you already know the answer to that question. now knowing you so do I. Very excited to see the tension building, territories being alredy claimed and diving lines forming, I sure missed it.

  44. #110 by Danielle on 2011.05.14 - 1:35 pm

    Just curious, and i’m sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I looked and didnt’ see anything. But will the game still include Island Guides?

    • #111 by Roxannie on 2011.05.15 - 5:13 am

      No it will not include IG’s woot woot wooty woot

      • #112 by mimi06 on 2011.05.15 - 10:30 am

        @roxannie, maybe no Island Guides, but somehow I think THERE won’t be without some form of moderation. Meaning A good eye will always be lurking rofl..

  45. #113 by Okalnix on 2011.05.14 - 12:05 pm

    a new name 2be4ever_MW

  46. #114 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.14 - 11:16 am

    Attention yee of 3 different names!
    I doubt that it will be happening to you any time soon!
    But, if it does, count on paying a visit to Zephyr with the name, Michael Wilson 2.
    We Zephyrians will be happy to do a meet and greet, all the way to Dune Valley race track. Muhhhaaaaa

    • #115 by Summers on 2011.05.14 - 2:34 pm

      “But, if it does, count on paying a visit to Zephyr with the name, Michael Wilson 2.
      We Zephyrians will be happy to do a meet and greet, all the way to Dune Valley race track. Muhhhaaaaa”

      What he means is xSnoopy would love to say hello, he just loves making new friends!
      He also likes long walks on the beaches, shooting those who don’t have a gun, and yelling YOU’RE ON IGGY!!!
      The rest of us “Zephyrians” will go about our business, a.k.a – Shooting xSnoopy in the back. /ff

      • #116 by Tiggy on 2011.05.14 - 4:17 pm

        I noticed he sure does like to lump the rest of Zephyr regulars in with him.

      • #117 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.14 - 4:25 pm

        Ahhh Summers,
        To think we were such good friends.
        What ever happened to that Summers I once knew?

      • #118 by saintleovisitor on 2011.05.15 - 12:43 pm

        LOL. i will kill xsnoopy is paintball he doesnt know me

      • #119 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.15 - 5:02 pm

        Take your best shot son!

    • #120 by Dolphin on 2011.05.14 - 3:26 pm

      I had spent most of my days/nights in Dune Valley for almost 5yrs so it was only fitting that I would die there when the lights went out on the last night :D. Next week can’t come fast enough :O.

    • #121 by StaintLeovisitor on 2011.05.15 - 9:13 am

      Hahahaha No.

  47. #122 by SaintLeoSandBoxVisitor on 2011.05.14 - 10:59 am

    Hahaha loks like this Survey Hasnt gotten anywhere yet. not even alot of comments, ill check back in about a week 😕 This is boring nothing is happening..


    • #123 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.14 - 11:01 am

      Attention yee of 3 different names (StaintLeo, Me, and Factorialurchin) : Hasn’t gotten anywhere? Are you paying attention?

  48. #124 by SnakeHawks on 2011.05.14 - 9:40 am

    Hi Michael Wilson, I am Evelyn who is deaf have a hard time to written a good grammar because deaf people use sign language so sign langauge come with no grammar. It is more like Indian symbols. That is why most deaf people have a poor english. That is not mean Deaf people are dumb. They have many different way of talent. Thank you for understand.

    I am willing to pay $15.00 to 20.00 membership monthly.

  49. #125 by Jessica_Dindal on 2011.05.14 - 8:31 am

    I got off in CosmoGirl…Along with a lot of others. If There reopens, I’ll probably see a lot of familiar faces when I log in 🙂

    Is it weird that I had a dream last night that There reopened? Lol.

  50. #126 by erick758 on 2011.05.14 - 5:54 am


  51. #127 by mimi06 on 2011.05.14 - 4:41 am

    When the world went black, I was perched on the walkway high above the blimp.. *If* There reopens hope someone will catch me.. rofl

    • #128 by SaltySilver on 2011.05.14 - 10:20 am

      @ Mimi06 ..I Bet TheTeuchter (aka MAtt) will be there Mimi…. and he does so love to rescue damsels in distress. 😀

      • #129 by mimi06 on 2011.05.14 - 2:11 pm

        oh oh.. me a damsel? ermm.. rofl.. well that would help alot, SOS MATT and tell him to be waiting rofl…….. oh yeah,, 😦 we’re still at *IF* ‘sigh

    • #130 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.14 - 11:08 am

      Hiya Mimi,
      It depends on how high you are “up there”.
      No sense on both of being killed by the fall LOL
      Imagine all the folks falling from Avie Sacrifice. Step out of their way 🙂
      You ready for next week?
      There seem to be a whole lot of people that are anxious.
      I told you, by the 18th.
      Now he is not here nearly as much .. you can look at that two ways, My preference is that he is busy getting ready to put that, “you cant wipe that smile off” on all of our faces LOL
      BTW, this is coming from my sub $300.00 computer. You wont believe what you can get for $300.00 today.

      • #131 by mimi06 on 2011.05.14 - 2:15 pm

        😦 gotta hope THERE has some sort of “support” for password resets.. otherwise won’t be a mimi.. unless I can get this antique brain working and REMEMBER her acct info rofl , oh well if not.. snoopy? you guna teach this old bird to paintball? *IF* There reopens?

      • #132 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.14 - 4:39 pm

        I would love to help you with your Paintball.
        All you need is a PB gun, Super Bunnies and some time.
        BTW, 3×5 cards work really well for passwords. I have a box full that I have been saving since 1995. Goes all the way back to Worlds Chat. OMG, am I really that old? LOL
        If they kept all the old records, you shouldn’t have a problem getting your old P/W back. Call the number and ask for Julian, tell him that xSnoopy sent you. Hopefully he is still there and can help you.

      • #133 by mimi06 on 2011.05.15 - 5:58 am

        rolf snoppy.. I think if I give them my credit card info.. might be proof enough it’s me.. 🙂 (long as I drop 100 or so) 🙂 remember tho MW stated that THERE won’t have any support, not sure if that means, in WORLD or in Makena offices. yes I have spoken with Jullian before.. not that I expect anyone to remember that..rofl.and YES OMG your old..

  52. #134 by Rick on 2011.05.14 - 2:37 am

    dam i actually was smart for once, i remember a day b4 it closed , people wanted me to give them all my inventory but inside i knew there was a chance of there coming back so i decided to keep all of it and good thing i did

  53. #135 by Rebecca McArthur on 2011.05.14 - 1:35 am

    If you can’t get through Atlas Shrugs… at least the very least, play Bioshock :p

  54. #136 by Sleestak on 2011.05.13 - 8:36 pm

    I hope they roll the clock back to the day before they anounced there was closing, I gave everything away as if it was the end of the world 😦

    • #137 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.13 - 8:38 pm

      I’m sorry, but we wouldn’t be doing that. We took the final backups after the closing. Sorry!

      • #138 by Taelos on 2011.05.13 - 8:51 pm

        Hah! Guess there will be a bunch of avatars in underwares. Oh wait! We already had a bunch of avatars running around in underware.

      • #139 by majandithere on 2011.05.14 - 3:45 am

        Which is fair, I think.
        I gave away many things as well. Some really rare stuff too, like one seater buggy.

        But, to be honest: I most of all hope the people I gave these things to will sign up again and be really happy to have those items and enjoy There even more!

        I’m at least ready to rock ‘n roll any time!

      • #140 by jimony on 2011.05.14 - 3:48 pm

        I was given a hood just before the close, which will be going back to the previous owner, if he wants it. Hopefully others who have been given expensive stuff (like that one seater) will see it in their hearts to return stuff back. Can’t wait to ride my bikes and drive my cars again. And run in my superbunny’s again.

        (I gave a couple pairs of the new superbunny shoes away at the end that I don’t need back, just in case the previous comments implied that to those I gave them to.)

    • #141 by Tomixcomics on 2011.05.14 - 12:24 am

      Sorry to heawr that man… However, they did say that they’re saving eveyrthing on file in case everything comes back… That’s why I didn’t give my stuff away.

      If it makes you feel any better, I once gave al my stuff awya when I thought my account was going to end, and I rebuilt, and aside from not having those writable signs and stuff, I pretty much rebuilt and I have a cooler inventory now.

      • #142 by Orielle on 2011.05.14 - 9:06 am

        ‘Tis why I even kept the Identities.ini files that stored the names and encrypted passwords of the avies I had last logged on, in case There did reopen and I no longer had those email addresses and forgot my passwords.

        Hopefully those you gave stuff to during the final days of There will be kind enough to return them if There does reopen and they return as well. I have returned stuff given to me when people changed their minds and returned to There, even returned a pair of Levis. 😛

      • #143 by Tomixcomics on 2011.05.15 - 3:45 am

        I wish I remembered who I gave my stuff to… I had some pretty sweet deals.

      • #144 by mimi06 on 2011.05.15 - 5:54 am

        @ Ori.. 😦 wish I had done that Ori.. I’m ONE of those that has a bad memory (old age) rofl.. so (IF) There reopens, I can’t come inn as Mimi.. unless I get 3 choices rofl on the log in page. or a place to reset password.

    • #145 by Okalnix on 2011.05.14 - 1:55 am

      If needed people can help you on the basic stuff.
      If there Re-open.

    • #146 by There Lover on 2011.05.14 - 6:23 am

      A lot of people did that sadly..

    • #147 by ARTIE on 2011.05.14 - 3:13 pm

      Sleestak, I feel for you buddy, but now rorries, I had more stuff than I know what to do with. I am sure I can find a buggy, clothing and more to get you started again. Heck, if you gave stuff away to friends and they come back then it is likely that some of your stuff will find its way back to you. I have another problem I kept most of my inventory, but it is spread out over 40 avatars. I can’t even remember which ones had the most inventory. I think my buggy ramps are spread between 10 different avies so that I could build chains of ramps and platforms in multiple PAZS

      But look me up when THERE-2 opens and we will get you started. THERE to me was always about giving and sharing and having fun with friends. I lope any new THERE will give us the same opportunities. Look me up on face book as Artie SumoThere Stone. I still have a few hundred buggies … assuming Samyson and MW can find them all. LOL.

  55. #148 by Dark_Force on 2011.05.13 - 8:19 pm

    I’m so excited for There2. If it reopens, I am going to have the time of my life. I miss it so much, and I don’t care if I have to pay to play. I just turned 18 in March, so I’m ready to go =)

  56. #149 by Michael Wilson Fan on 2011.05.13 - 7:41 pm

    You can all relax meanwhile, (RickRoll Removed).

    P.S. Banned from Blog.

  57. #150 by Trenton1231 on 2011.05.13 - 7:17 pm

    MW, you’ve got me attached to your blog waiting to here the results. Crossing my fingers along with all my Thereian buddies on facebook. I hope too see you all again real soon!!!

  58. #151 by Doug on 2011.05.13 - 6:58 pm

    There will always be members under 18 playing. They can’t all be eliminated. Look at Second Life back when they had two worlds: Teen Grid and Main Grid. There were members under 18 on the Main Grid which was then 18+ only. You can try to eliminate them, but it just WON’T work. Just saying. Even if you try to have an age-verify system going on.

    There’s change. It’s not the way it was anymore. It won’t be as enjoyable anymore. If it closed once, what’s the chances it’ll close again?

    • #152 by mimi06 on 2011.05.15 - 10:23 am

      @ Doug…There sure is change, but from where I sit, MOST Therians, stayed together thru FB. Did we know we would get a second chance? No, but we still stuck together, shared THERE memories. We have been on that same FB page since day one AFTER THERE closed. Even tho we all went different directions, we stuck it out. Most never posted a single line here, but if you were to go to that Therian FB page, you would see, we DON’T care that SOME say, “it wont be the same” or “it wont be enjoyable anymore”, in fact we are willing and ready to take the “chance” and hope this week THERE allows us to show just how loyal some really are. PS, under 18, you be surprised what a good EYE can accomplish 🙂

  59. #153 by Doug on 2011.05.13 - 6:57 pm

    There will always be members under 18 playing. They can’t all be eliminated. Look at Second Life back when they had two worlds: Teen Grid and Main Grid. There were members under 18 on the Main Grid which was then 18+ only. You can try to eliminate them, but it just work. Just saying. Even if you try to have an age-verify system going on.

    There’s change. It’s not the way it was anymore. It won’t be as enjoyable anymore. If it closed once, what’s the chances it’ll close again?

  60. #154 by erick758 on 2011.05.13 - 6:20 pm


  61. #155 by Michael Wilson Fan on 2011.05.13 - 5:12 pm

    @Esky – I bet you are as good looking as Dawn French, to be able to visualize such an image takes lot of thought ya know? unless it was a very familiar figure u admired everyday coz i dont have that ability to visualize an image of the face of someone by just looking at what they type..You must be so obsessed with Dawn French (or yourself?) 😀

    • #156 by Esky on 2011.05.13 - 8:24 pm

      Wow, so sensitive. You can choose to take this personally, or you could just google “French and Saunders Misery”

  62. #157 by Sportsxstar25 on 2011.05.13 - 4:03 pm


  63. #158 by SassyBeMe on 2011.05.13 - 2:35 pm

    Just had a heck of a thought. I hope you plan on advance notice of THERE reopening. Don’t make me refresh my homepage all day. plzzz???
    That just wont be pretty.

  64. #159 by 3cMaldito on 2011.05.13 - 1:58 pm

    Oh yes and thank you very much Mr Wilson for even considering re-opening inspite all the grief some of us have caused you in the past.

  65. #160 by 3cMaldito on 2011.05.13 - 1:56 pm

    Mr. Wilson,

    Will the owners or FUNZONES like myself retain deeds to them? Will we be afforded the opportunity to pay rent?

    I believe this was already answered but if you will could you provide a quick yes-no or even maybe.

    Thank You

  66. #161 by mimi06 on 2011.05.13 - 1:43 pm

    peeks in, nope not next week yet……….back to another rerun of DIY………

  67. #162 by Alexandria3178 on 2011.05.13 - 1:32 pm

    I am keeping my fingers crossed that There re-opens. It will be the greatest day I will have had in recent years. However there is one thing that must happen within two days of opening.

    Samsyn MUST MUST MUST set up his most incredible whacked out nearly impossible buggy track in his FZ.

  68. #163 by Femme Fatale on 2011.05.13 - 12:23 pm

    *crossing fingers*

  69. #164 by Mikey on 2011.05.13 - 11:11 am

    I just graduated from high school Monday, can reopening be a graduation present MW? XD
    Can’t wait for paintball…….

  70. #165 by kevin on 2011.05.13 - 8:04 am

    Mr Wilson, have you made any decision as to whether particular banned members will be permitted to play there2? Given that it does happen. By particular I mean those not guilty of hate speech, hacking. cracking,etc, for which you’ve already clearly indicated will not be returning.

  71. #166 by Brido on 2011.05.13 - 7:59 am

    Thankfully the survey didn’t end last week and the news was meant to come today.

    I speak for all of us in thinking Friday 13th would have been worrying !

    I think MW intercepted that hehe

  72. #167 by Dimagrire on 2011.05.13 - 7:43 am


  73. #168 by kiki261982 on 2011.05.13 - 6:43 am cannot and will not be free needs to make more money to stay open!

  74. #169 by Kaden on 2011.05.13 - 6:10 am


  75. #171 by matt on 2011.05.13 - 5:35 am

    Michael Wilson, IF there was to Re-open as soon as you announed the news how long would it be before it actually opened?

  76. #172 by SassyBeMe on 2011.05.13 - 3:27 am

    I want an infinity for free too dang it!! As expensive as gas is I should get all my cars for free!! Who says I have to wake up?!? 😀

    ^waste of blog space isn’t it? 😀

  77. #173 by Roxxie on 2011.05.13 - 3:18 am

    Thanks for the update MW. xoxo

    Fingers crossed!!!

  78. #174 by Aaron on 2011.05.13 - 3:02 am

    Please consider entertaining at least one of the following points, Michael.

    Firstly, you’ve requested that potential customers refrain from questioning the newfound age restriction, and that if they absolutely must bring it up, they showcase the English syntax comprehension of someone with a respectable argument. As per the latter, though I’m merely a juvenile, I’ll make this plea as legible as possible: be more generous, if only slightly, with this requisite for subscribing to your paid service through legitimate means. While I’m seventeen, I’m also an independent American taxpayer with bills of my own and plenty of disposable income, and I’d appropriately liken such a harsh and baseless condition only to a firm slap in the face. This proposal, of course, is fueled solely by a personal inconvenience (I’ll probably be advocating the enforcement of this law on my next birthday), but why not meet me us in the middle by setting the bar at sixteen rather than eighteen, making no warranty about the ever-changing user experience? Whether your cause for imposing this product-devaluing setback could be chalked up to a deep-seated hatred for subadults or a genuine financial/legal implication (more likely), I’d love to see you reconsider such a bold term for a game whose content will be consistently regulated like that of a family-centric community.

    Next, whether I’m granted direct access or forced to stay under the radar, I have no problem with paying a monthly fee for such a premium and wholesome social experience (I’m sold at launch). Might we witness the resurrection of fragmented feature sets with a subscription plan hierarchy? If so, how about a Therebuck allowance for those with a taste for more perceptible (albeit intangible and imaginary, as with any currency) rewards for their monthly dues?

    Also, the proposition of charging directly for the consumption of server resources is commendable (from where I’m standing, scalability’s the name of the game). Could you vaguely detail the possible mechanics of a system like this?

    Lastly, with hopes that I don’t offend you or your company, prior website designs were infinitely more appealing than what was visible before closing (now, even). Should There live once more, I would strongly recommend that you reintroduce the friendly style from years past.

    Thanks for accepting (responding to, perhaps?) my unprecedentedly lengthy $0.02, I know how frustrating it is to receive number-devoid business tips from an end-user. My apologies if you’ve answered any (or all) of these questions in the past.

    • #175 by Drakex on 2011.05.13 - 5:10 am

      I think a more legible plea would be for the owner of the payments to be an adult, while expression of being underage in-game would go uninforced.

    • #176 by SaltySilver on 2011.05.13 - 10:57 am

      I understand your wanting to be on also, the feeling of being slighted. This is the world. Do some research on 18+ games vs 13 pg games and the law and safty issues. I’m sure you will see why MW chose to go this route. ( plus he has said it many times on his blog here.) Best advice I can give to you, is to be patient and wait for your birthday then you can join. Just think what a happy day that will be.
      ps. Did you know that over 40% of Americans don’t even pay Fed. Tax?

      • #177 by NathanAvis on 2011.05.13 - 3:40 pm

        Hey, Aaron.

        I’m an adult and if you ask me you were trying to communicate to adults in what you thought was an adult way but ultimately come across as a young person with a false agenda. Just accept the new There.Com’s current rulings. PlayStation Home (once PSN is back up) is much more cheap and open so maybe ask your parents to give you money on that, okay??

    • #178 by Mikey on 2011.05.13 - 11:14 am

      Is this Aaron who lives in florida?

      • #179 by Aaron on 2011.05.13 - 3:39 pm

        How’s it goin’, Mikey? :3

    • #180 by Alexandria3178 on 2011.05.13 - 1:43 pm

      There is one thing that I wouldhave against being charged for consumption of server resourses -vs- a flat monthly fee.For infrequent users the consumption charge would be good, but for people like myself who were working as volunteer Island Guides, this could become cost prohibitive and prevent a function that was quite beneficial for the overall THERE experience. If it weren’t for the Islang guiddes and their predecessors, the mentor’s, joining there for the first time would be like dropping into the middle of a shopping mall on Mars, and expecting you to know what everything is.

      My mentor was instrumental to my paying for my lifetime membership way back then. I would like to mention her name, but I do not think that would be appropriate without her approval.

      ANyway for those like myself who were Island Gides, a flat is the best choice.

    • #181 by 3cMaldito on 2011.05.13 - 1:53 pm

      I applaud your gallant effort to simply state the obvious. If only kids these days would put such effort into long lasting real life tangible things like a good education or career instead of a video game.

  79. #182 by Tomixcomics on 2011.05.13 - 12:33 am

    So unbelievably excited.

    Though – this is likely going to be the single longest week of my life so far O___O.

    bsolutely nerveracking.

  80. #183 by Dolphin on 2011.05.13 - 12:04 am

    Thanks for letting us know Michael :). Hope the day gets here when you tell us even bigger and better news that is re-opening :). Crosses fingers that it does. Once a Therian always a Therian 😀 w00t

  81. #184 by zip1951 on 2011.05.12 - 8:36 pm

    I’m so excited, are we There yet? 🙂

  82. #185 by That Guy on 2011.05.12 - 7:00 pm

    Hahahahaha, MW’s got jokes!

    • #186 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.12 - 7:04 pm

      Dude, I AM a joke. I’m also a chump, according to some sources.

      • #187 by Michael Wilson Fan on 2011.05.12 - 7:18 pm

        Your awesome MW , and as you can see my name i am your #1 fan so give me some privileges

      • #188 by Esky on 2011.05.12 - 9:07 pm

        Eeeek! Visions of Michael Wilson Fan breaking your legs with a sledgehammer…

      • #189 by VoniLei on 2011.05.13 - 4:37 am

        @Esky – Stephen King references FTW! 😀

      • #190 by MrScrooge on 2011.05.13 - 5:37 am

        We need to work on building your self-confidence, Wilson. Look into the mirror and say, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!”

      • #191 by Esky on 2011.05.13 - 6:53 am

        …fortunately in my visions Michael Wilson Fan alternated between Kathy Bates and Dawn French, ROFL!!! 😀

        Good to have a laugh when you’re cringing!

      • #192 by SaltySilver on 2011.05.13 - 11:01 am

        Mr. Scrooge, 😀 thanks for the smile.

  83. #193 by syrius on 2011.05.12 - 5:29 pm

    Obviously it must make positive revenue and can’t be free. However there is a certain need for new users and some means of new users trying out the game will obviously become necessary. Of course this is not an immediate concern but when the flood of returning users begins to diminish the need for new users to “try before they buy” will become more necessary. Once the world is back up and flying again it would be smart to consider ways of attracting new customers. Some suggestions would be a limited trial account that only has access to a freebee area. These freebee areas could be limited to new users and island guides only or set up so paying customers had access to socialize with the new folks (which may or may not be a good idea). Even Sony with Everquest who have promised never to close and have kept that promise for 12+ years now which has always been pay to play has a free trial island.

    Not that I am concerned because I want to play for free. I would gladly pay to play. My concern would be that it succeeds and not having the means to attract new users with some sort of trial experience is a recipe for failure.

  84. #194 by Austinbit on 2011.05.12 - 5:19 pm

    I say we go like the 20th Century Motor Corporation! “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need!” We can let There be free, and set up a giftbox. The ones who can afford it will donate to maintain the costs of There.

    That way everyone can play, and everyone can be happy. 🙂

    I think There may successfully stay open for an hour with this plan!


    • #195 by Austinbit on 2011.05.12 - 5:23 pm

      correction: The 20th Century Motor Company (from Atlas Shrugged); not to be confused with the real 20th Century Motor Car Corporation (as I did :/ )

  85. #196 by Unicrystal on 2011.05.12 - 5:18 pm

    Thank you Michael I am crossing my fingers and hopeing that you reopen there as alot of my students that attended my classes in Mystical Paradise and the Unicrystal Designs University are looking forward to start classes again on designing. I did not receive an email but I am hopeing to here in regards to there opening and I can start my fashion shows and classes again soon.

    Thank you and hope to here back from you soon,


  86. #197 by Secrets of Vonira on 2011.05.12 - 4:34 pm

    Mr. Wilson, are you going to give Secrets of Vonira an exception and allow a name longer than the character limit? We would love to have Secrets_of_Vonira registered but it is way too long. We will build our HQ in your virtual world too.

    • #198 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.12 - 4:49 pm

      Wait, isn’t your headquarters in YowNow? Aren’t you an official YowNow fan site?

      • #199 by Michael Wilson Fan on 2011.05.12 - 5:31 pm

        LOL! they pwn yownow like i pwn players in pb

      • #200 by SoledadNegativa on 2011.05.12 - 6:21 pm


        Glad to see you have your bringing your sense of humor into this new begining.



      • #201 by There Lover on 2011.05.13 - 4:17 am

        LOL They are a Site abot YowNow.. I wouldn’t say they are a “fan” of it though.. It’s more of a bashing site for YowNow.. one of my favortie sites actually. 🙂

      • #202 by Summers on 2011.05.14 - 2:24 pm

        What is a Snipers?

      • #203 by SoledadNegativa on 2011.05.14 - 5:29 pm

        Is like “Summers”, Hot, Sunny and sticky and you always want to be in one just so you can ask for Spring.

  87. #204 by Michele on 2011.05.12 - 4:26 pm

    *Claps in excitement* I cannot wait!
    Even if the results will turn out negative, I’ll still be happy about the fact that we’ve tried.
    Thank you for your time and patience, Michael Wilson, and the other ‘folks’ :).

  88. #205 by Raymond on 2011.05.12 - 4:19 pm

    Exciting news here. Cant wait for the results MW. Best of luck to you and your crew.

  89. #206 by Jakejackson on 2011.05.12 - 4:13 pm

    Hi Mr. Wilson just wanted to let you know which ever way this things goes I am behind you just like everyone else here. I am a Thereian for life, now lets get readyyyyyyyyyy
    to rumble and have some fun in THERE!!!!!!!!

  90. #207 by trenton1231 on 2011.05.12 - 4:11 pm

    I think I’m going to cry.

  91. #208 by trenton1231 on 2011.05.12 - 4:10 pm

    MW, I just wanted to say thanks so much for doing all of this to reopen there (maybe). I can’t wait for the MEET and GREET that will be held! See you all THERE!

  92. #209 by Skyefire on 2011.05.12 - 3:46 pm

    Technically you should be adding P.s to each additional Post Script, not S.s

  93. #210 by moondustmadness on 2011.05.12 - 3:35 pm

    **** HAPPY DANCE ****

  94. #211 by MoondustMadness on 2011.05.12 - 3:28 pm

    **** HAPPY DANCE ****

  95. #212 by OHB on 2011.05.12 - 3:27 pm

    Any chance you’ll need PHP developers if There reopens? Because I want to work for There. I wrote a suite of tools that we used to run the There Games events. And, I know you did the auction stuff, but before There closed I was just dying to rewrite them along with the developer pages. If there’s going to be any openings, I’ll apply in a heartbeat. And since this post sounds resume-ish already, I’ll just casually and unabashedly note that I also do VB, C#, and the usuals (HTML, CSS, JS, etc). Please hire me! 🙂

  96. #213 by Innie on 2011.05.12 - 1:58 pm

    Hey Michael,

    May 27th is my 40th birthday. You know what would make an excellent 40th birthday present?

    • #214 by jimony on 2011.05.13 - 1:44 pm

      Happy Birthday and all, but I don’t wanna wait that long, sorry.

  97. #215 by Escape on 2011.05.12 - 1:53 pm


  98. #216 by NathanAvis on 2011.05.12 - 1:53 pm

    These are exciting times, friends :o)

    Hugging my laptop with hope. lol

  99. #217 by kiki261982 on 2011.05.12 - 1:52 pm

    I am so excited! Keeping my thoughts positive, i shed a tear reading Kev’s comment! Omg i would do my happy dance if i saw next weeks blog say and the results are… We are reopening on such and such a date! I would fall to the ground and/or jump for joy! Woohoo goodluck Mr. Wilson!

  100. #218 by sam420 on 2011.05.12 - 1:48 pm

    so there mw just do what you got to do so i can get in to my buggy and have a good time:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)

  101. #219 by SalemScott on 2011.05.12 - 1:28 pm

    Sweeet….lol our ‘little friends’, wonder who that could be. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for that final decision.

  102. #220 by Babs on 2011.05.12 - 1:26 pm

    I am … on pins and needles. The possibility of going home is overwhelming me!! *deep breath*. OMG. 😀 OMG!

  103. #221 by Jonathan on 2011.05.12 - 1:22 pm

    Sidenote, just to point out, it says This survey is has been closed.We have received enthusiastic participation” on the survey page 😉

    • #222 by Michele on 2011.05.12 - 4:28 pm

      It’s pretty awkward when a person lectures others about their grammatic/spelling mistakes- makes some himself.
      *shakes head at that sad fact*

      • #223 by Austinbit on 2011.05.12 - 5:58 pm

        Its pretty awkward when a person lectures a person who lectures others about their grammatic/spelling mistakes, making some himself.
        *shaking my head as you “shakes” your head at that sad fact*

        Sorry, I had to. 😛

  104. #224 by kiki261982 on 2011.05.12 - 1:10 pm

    After reading Kev’s comment i had sum tears in my eyes frm his excitement, abt seeing tht announcement IF it happens! I would be doing my happy dance as soon as i see it!

  105. #225 by jaybee on 2011.05.12 - 12:57 pm

    😀 So excited!!!!!!!!!!! also crossing fingers!!!!

  106. #226 by WikkedBliss on 2011.05.12 - 12:50 pm

    I really miss sitting on the logs in Cosmo, watching the drama roll by, having newbies ask me to marry them, watching buggies fall out of the sky from the ramp, making friends, making enemies, dancing till late in the night, having michael W show up out of the blue and sit down and talk to us and call me a man-eater LMAO… Good Times!! *Giggles and crosses her virtual fingers*

  107. #227 by Jonathan on 2011.05.12 - 12:37 pm

    Not going to lie, this is more exciting than Christmas!

    I’m amazed at what can be done with AWS! It’s crazy how far an online book-selling company has come!

    Sidenote: MW, your sense of humor is hilarious.

  108. #228 by Winston on 2011.05.12 - 12:35 pm

    “Atlas Shrugged?” Oh Michael… 😦 Read “The Smartest Guys in the Room” or “The Big Short.” Those are non-fiction 🙂

  109. #229 by satarell on 2011.05.12 - 12:32 pm

    You know when you where a kid and it was a week till Christmas thats what this is like.

  110. #230 by Biggiedude420 on 2011.05.12 - 12:26 pm

    would be great to see all my old inventory if this does happen i miss my custom buggies lol 😛

  111. #231 by Malingo on 2011.05.12 - 12:14 pm


  112. #232 by pHluid13 on 2011.05.12 - 12:03 pm

    Fantastic job Mr. Wilson! Very well done. I know the whole process was grueling with all the questions and comments, but I’m sure it will all be worth it. By the way, I’ve been browsing this site on my iPad and for some reason I can’t reply to comments. Did you change something? I could have sworn that I was able to reply to comments last week or the week prior.

  113. #233 by NoBioN on 2011.05.12 - 11:44 am

    Going to be quite some parties to attent to, when the world is open again. Going to sip alot of drinks down hehe.

    And dont say miracles dont happen! =) (IF there reopens) 😀

  114. #234 by Okalnix on 2011.05.12 - 11:30 am

    Thanks MW for your honest and open calls will on this homepage.
    You give people a good sense of what is possible for There to reopen.
    I hope there is for a new restart your loyal members so that they can meet their friends back.

    People of the Netherlands to support you with the reopening

    Fingers crossed and hoping for the best.

    Thanks MW

  115. #235 by debbilyn on 2011.05.12 - 11:14 am

    Great news….I am keeping my fingers crossed that we will be playing in soon! Can’t wait for the grand opening gala….

  116. #236 by Kev on 2011.05.12 - 10:43 am

    If I see a title next week saying, “We are re-opening!” or anything along those lines, I think my head might explode. The joy it would bring me, is beyond imagination. Here’s hoping for the best Mr. Wilson, to you and your team. Cheers!

  117. #237 by DavyRocket on 2011.05.12 - 10:38 am

    P.S.S.S.S – Don’t Pummel MW about lifting your ban. He has said it time and time again. IT WON’T happen. Leave it alone, forget about it. In other words.. lol STOP asking!

    • #238 by Summers on 2011.05.14 - 2:23 pm

      Michael could you lift our bans please? Thank you.

      P.S.S.S.S.S – please don’t fill up this BLOG with useless COMMENTS. (Much like this one.) (=

  118. #239 by EmmaJean on 2011.05.12 - 10:30 am

    thanks for letting us know. and whew I need a few more days/weeks to finish teaching then.. I’m there if you are. 🙂

    • #240 by SaltySilver on 2011.05.12 - 11:31 am

      Woot! Seven more days for me EmmaJean. ‘thumbsup ‘heyhey. (plus a few more to clean up the classroom).
      Gosh, I’m hoping this will be the begaining to a beautiful Thereian summer.

      • #241 by Wendy Stoll on 2011.05.12 - 2:36 pm

        June 7 for me, and it would be so much more pleasant knowing I had There to go to afterwards!!

      • #242 by Summers on 2011.05.14 - 2:21 pm


    • #243 by Basya on 2011.05.14 - 10:25 pm

      Hey Emma! One of the things I’ve missed so in There were your CCR’s! Am looking forward once again to doing them again!

  119. #244 by MrScrooge on 2011.05.12 - 10:28 am

    My imaginary friend (who hates me very much) is under 18 and wants to know if you’ll make an exception for those without physical bodies. Also, do you have any idea what became of Vash? He was enjoyable to pick on.

    • #245 by Ant1977 on 2011.05.12 - 12:15 pm

      DAGNABBIT!! I wish now that I didn’t give Vash his Levi’s back…

    • #246 by Orielle on 2011.05.12 - 1:58 pm

      My lil kitty, who isn’t even a year old yet, loves to play games and watch videos online and wants to know if you will make an exception for cute lil fluffy cross eyed kitties…

      He says purty pwease with sugar on top…

  120. #247 by RRTT on 2011.05.12 - 10:27 am

    “We’ll let you know what the results are, and our decision, NEXT WEEK”

    A week away from finding out if our home will return! I have never wanted a fast forward button more.

    Mike, my 18th Birthday is May 23. You can check that on my account info. It would be pretty sweet if you guys relaunched on my birthday. LOL

  121. #248 by ChristopherD on 2011.05.12 - 10:21 am

    I have a proposal. Perhaps making There IM a free service, while keeping the virtual world a premium pay to play area. This will allow the newbies to test out there in a separate sterile environment as well as limiting grief from the newbie accounts. OR an even better idea remember how there added in that newbie runway/dock zone. Where the new players had to board a boat to enter the rest of there. Perhaps making the boat cost money to board. You have to buy a boat ticket to join the rest of the virtual world. (The ticket equivalent to a 1 month subscription or more). I don’t know I’m just throwing some of my ideas out ‘there’.

    • #249 by Michael Wilson on 2011.05.12 - 10:30 am

      I called Jeff Bezos at Amazon and asked him to give me the servers for ThereIM for Free. He said…

      • #250 by ChristopherD on 2011.05.12 - 11:25 am

        lmao. darn.

      • #251 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.12 - 12:21 pm

        Your toying with us Michael!! 🙂

      • #252 by Winston on 2011.05.12 - 12:39 pm

        Guess he’s read “Atlas Shrugged.” 🙂

      • #253 by Michele on 2011.05.12 - 4:30 pm

        That Jeff person is not flexible at all, is he? >:O *giggles*

      • #254 by Michael Wilson Fan on 2011.05.12 - 7:01 pm

        He said..”Make me CEO of your company”

      • #255 by majandithere on 2011.05.13 - 9:31 am

        Hmm..for real:
        Skype (now a MS brand) is free and has adds.

        So “ThereAmazon IM” including an add frame might really do the trick.

        Who knows?
        Maybe the right question shouldn’t be:
        How can they profit from us even more than by taking server rent?

        They even have all the resources for extensive online shopping already in place.
        So our shop/auction system might just run on their business and throw off some profit for both ending up in a win/win situation:

        Amazon advertising for There advertising for Amazon selling in There selling for Amazon selling There.

        Imagine you could buy real books and other stuff in world as well as virtual goods for (you choose) real money or Therebucks.

        I feel, it just might be worth throwing it on the table at least once.
        Some people tend to pick up ideas like this and just do it.

        The trick is to try and utilize existing resources and logistics without stretching them more than the turnaround expected.
        And if it clicks in, it’s a starting ground to build on.

        Strong partners are quite often a good choice.

      • #256 by majandithere on 2011.05.13 - 9:37 am

        Can’t help sticking to the thought:

        A free “There (put sponsor here) IM” might really be quite a door opener.

        What about talking to Google?

        They didn’t get skype, though they wanted it. Maybe they’d like the idea of merging Google talk and ThereIM?
        Kind of match visually, … at least to me. No?

      • #257 by jimony on 2011.05.13 - 1:42 pm

        Well? Did you get a response yet? My wife’n I are a’wait’n with bated breath (means we’re hold’n it) I wonder if that’s why her face is blue?

  122. #258 by mimi06 on 2011.05.12 - 10:12 am

    You know what they say if you pull a gray hair? ok, so I’ll go buy 4 more boxes of clairol…

  123. #259 by there_forever on 2011.05.12 - 9:40 am

    Would be good to shut them gamers up once and for all. Other than that… fingers crossed and hoping for the best!!!

  124. #260 by matt on 2011.05.12 - 9:35 am

    wait not first comment Sorry!

  125. #262 by matt on 2011.05.12 - 9:35 am

    first comment,WOOHOO but i never got an email is it too late??

    • #263 by Michael Wilson Fan on 2011.05.12 - 5:47 pm

      You won’t get an email.Sorry.

  126. #264 by Timo on 2011.05.12 - 9:32 am

    Hello Mr. Wilson! Are you making your decision to reopen solely based upon the survey or are there other factors involved too?

    P.S. First?

  127. #265 by Evan on 2011.05.12 - 9:24 am

    Thanks, Michael! A lot of people are behind you, I just hope the numbers are something you can work with to make There profitable. Got all fingers here crossed!

  128. #266 by Adrian Witt on 2011.05.12 - 9:07 am


  129. #267 by Rick on 2011.05.12 - 8:59 am

    awesome cant wait for next week (being positive) so if you guys decide to re-open there will it be that same week , a week later? a month? could you possibly tell us or wel we have to wait “IF” its to reopen will it be a week later or how long thats my question sir

  130. #268 by SunnyMusic on 2011.05.12 - 8:55 am

    Hahaha!! I love your wit, MW!!!

    I’m on pins and needles……

  131. #269 by xSnoopy on 2011.05.12 - 8:54 am


    There is nothing more to say but:

    T H A N K Y O U

    What more could ANY of us have asked of you.

    For the most part 🙂 you handled yourself like a gentleman, considering some the BS questions you were asked.

    SEE you in Zephyr!! Don’t forget your gun and drop Hugs off! No cage, just confine her to Zephyr. 🙂 I’m sure there will be a few of us who will do a MEET and GREET 🙂

    Thanks again for your efforts on our behalf.

    • #270 by egern on 2011.05.12 - 12:07 pm

      ill be looking happily forward to see everyone in zephyr 😀 honestly

      • #271 by Michael Wilson Fan on 2011.05.13 - 3:10 am

        hey danish kid howz life

  132. #272 by Bumpin42 on 2011.05.12 - 8:52 am

    When and if there2 reopens will you give us a date and time so people have time to go out and put money on there debit card, game cards and so on witch i`ve already done lol and will the people in Zephyr who had pazes down get there spots back? Thx Bumpin42,

    • #273 by egern on 2011.05.12 - 12:04 pm

      oh god bumpin 😛 !!! just take a month off whatever your doing and log in as the first and drop a 500×500 😛 then your the king 😛 haha

    • #274 by Summers on 2011.05.14 - 2:16 pm


    • #275 by :) on 2011.05.16 - 4:14 am

      Sorry bumpin gonna beat you to it mate

  133. #277 by Skyefire on 2011.05.12 - 8:48 am

    If you re-open There in stages, will Carbonite Valley be in first? I think it only makes sense that way and would give us noobs to point and laugh at from the first day.

  134. #278 by Tiggy on 2011.05.12 - 8:44 am

    “P.S.S. If you _do_ pummel me about under 18 access, please at least try to use correct spelling and grammatically correct sentences. That will make it harder for me to respond “Well, you should be in school studying up on spelling and grammer anyway, not hanging out in There”.

    Umm… that’s grammar… not grammer..

    Neener neenerrr!

    (and trust me.. I’m old enough to fart dust)

    • #279 by Danica on 2011.05.14 - 3:32 am


      I’m not going to say the whole, “It should be free” line. I think all accounts should be treated the same across the board, all free or none free. But I think we seen time and time again in other places that if some one under 18 really wants in they are going to get in. It’s like a locked door, all the lock dose is keep a honest person honest, the real criminal will always find a way (pardon the pun it’s the best metaphor I could think of). If you make the rule 18+ only access the only thing you’ll be doing it making your staff more work cause the under 18’s there really want in will find a way.


  135. #280 by MAtt The Teuchter on 2011.05.12 - 8:37 am


    Thank you for being honest with us. I hope results go our way and we can reopen. I am excited with the thought but totally understand the caution and welcome it. You have one friend here in South Africa and I have been boring my friends here to try and get them to join if There opens again. I think I got about 20 peeps willing to give it a go and also willing to pay for it. Only concern I have is that I am on a Mac now, but you always said that a Mac client would be available. Good luck and thanks.


  136. #281 by NoBioN on 2011.05.12 - 8:30 am

    Yay. So things are getting prepared. Somehow i think that meens things arent looking bad 🙂

  137. #282 by Celtic on 2011.05.12 - 8:27 am

    ‘cross fingers

    ‘make sacrifice to Clucky…

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